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Kent BK4 or Rooney 1/1?

I'm planning to buy both a Rooney style 3 size 1 in super and a Kent BK4, but recently I got the itch to buy a Rooney 1/1 in super because it intrigues me. Can't buy all three, so it's either the 1/1 or the BK4, because I just need that style 3 Rooney. I like small(ish) brushes (21mm knot) and some backbone, but the tips have to be very soft as my skin gets irritated pretty fast. I lather in a bowl mostly and alternate bewtween creams and soaps.

I know the Rooney has quite some backbone, but are the tips still soft? And what about the Kent, how are those backbone- and tip-wise?

Antique Hoosier

I have never used the Rooney 1/1 having only owned a Rooney 3/3. I have owned the Kent BK4 and it has no backbone practically...VERY soft to the face but works very well with soaps and creams alike. It is a few dollars less than the rooney but i would go with your gut on it. I'm thinking you'd like the Rooney 1/1 for the minimal extra cash outlay.
Why not see how well the Rooney 3/1 goes before buying the 1/1? For some, the 3/1 is too dense. Try doing a B&B search. The 1/1 will be similar to the 3/1 and I imagine both would be much different than the Kent.
Thanks for your input!

My understanding is the 1/1 has the shortest loft, shorter than the 3/1, and I was wondering if the extra backbone caused by the shorter loft translates into a more scratchy feeling on the face or that it still feels soft but fans out less (that's a long sentence....). One of my reasons for asking is that I have a Vulfix Super that's floppy but still feels somewhat scratchy on my face; I'm looking for something stiffer but softer (if that's possible).
The Rooney 1 will be a lot stiffer than a BK4. Both are good brushes but as Hoosier said, the BK is very soft, no scrub at all.
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