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Keep blades with razors?

Sorry if this topic has been done to death but I haven't found anything so I'll bring it up.

I have 6 razors in my rotation at the moment and for a while I was just putting a blade into each razor and leaving it there. What I found was that its too hard to keep track of how many shaves I had with each. Then I was also thinking the blades might get dull a lot quicker sitting around longer being exposed to humidity. So recently I started switching the blades out between similar models so I only have 2 blades going at once between the appropriate razors. Does anyone else do this or do you just leave a blade in the razor and does it matter? Thanks in advance
I too have about 5 razors in regular rotation, I always remove my blade and keep it separate from my razors, but usually only have 2 - 3 blades going at one time. I just use any blade that takes my fancy - I don't really try to match blades with certain razors.
I usually take the blade out when I finish shaving. I don't think it hurts the blade to keep it in the razor, though. For deciding when to change a blade, I just change it whenever I feel like it. Usually around four shaves to a blade, give or take.
My rotation drags out a bit compared to yours. I use the same razor and blade until the blade is garbage. Then I switch to the next razor with a new blade. This means I only rotate razors every 3-8 days depending on the feel of the blade. During that time, I leave the blade in the razor and have had no issues with doing so.

I think that leaving a blade in the razor for an extended period (read multiple weeks) would run the risk of rusted blades. I wouldn't worry about number of shaves on a blade - just be willing to change blades in the middle of a shave if it is pulling more than it should. Rusty blades however, would worry me.
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I too remove the blade after each shave. I have multiple razors and I just use the same blade. I rarely have more than 2 or 3 blades at a given time. Usually just 2 because I like Personna Reds in some razors and Feathers in other razors I own.
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