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Just when I thought it was all going so well - Sandalwood struck!

Been DE shaving for 4 weeks now and I have had my fair share of nicks and cuts and face rash.... Then this week it all got better, little or no neck rash, no burning feeling.. I thought good god man you have cracked it, this is what its should be like , pain free smooth shaving .. and then tonight... all hell broke loose ...

Well I had gotten some Proraso Green last week and started to use it, I did not put 2 and 2 together and used my Old Bond Street Sandalwood cream this evening.. face like a ripe tomato with sunburn, stupid stupid fellow.. lesson learnt..

So question: what are similar skin kind soaps and Creams?
I highly suggest you try to Truefitt & Hill Ultimate Comfort Cream and Aftershave Balm........really nice products.....very fresh yet subtle smell.

EDIT: It is not fair to say it is a "nice" product, it is the hands down best product I have found to date. I have fair skin but coarse hair and am deep into my first week into DE shaving. With all my poor technique....this stuff really shined.
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Exactly the same thing happened to me & my son, with the TOBS sandalwwod. I ended up with a face the colour of a baboon's bottom! However, not wishing to waste money, I went back to it about 4 weeks later & although it gave me a slight tingling sensation, there was no irritation. The first time I used the TOBS, my brush was only a couple of weeks old & I lathered directly onto my face. For my second attempt with the TOBS, my brush was a bit more worn in & I used a bowl to make my lather. I am not sure if these factors made a difference, or if some chemical in the soap had lessened in its potency, anyway, I can use it as part of my soap rotation without any issues. I have now bought a tub of TOBS Jermyn Street & this is milder than the sandalwood & there is only the merest hint of tingling when it is on my face, which only occurs on the second & third passes.
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