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Just Wanted You To Know

I blame you guys.

I "accidentally" ran out of time to shave this morning, spent too much time playing with the cat.

Around 10:00, I made twenty minutes and went into the bathroom with the Merkur Travel, Arlington stick and travel brush that I am now keeping in my desk at work

This is all your fault. I used to happily go two, three days without roughing up my face on the Atra . . .

- John


Ok, I only blame me but, you know . . .
OK, I see by the little counter thingy that TWENTY FIVE of you have looked at this post and turned up collective virtual noses.


I never expected such, well, introversion, from this site.

Well, OK. Let's make it more interesting.

The origination and the ground rules before I begin:

To start with, the thought to do this originated with a posting Rasage Poulin made earlier today, dealing with the idea of doing business with local companies. Well, Rasage Poulin *is* my local company and has treated me fantastically, putting up with all sorts of stupid questions. I hope he will take it in good stride when I call him tomorrow and tell him what I've done. :w00t:

Next, the "rules". First, mods, please do not move this thread. Second, if you decide to answer this little challenge, keep it clean (this *is* a family website after all) and keep it honest. Third and last, sorry, overseas friends, this challenge is Canada and the USA only but only because I know what Poulin is charging for shipping to these two.

I published a pretty head-shaking fact about my desk stash in the first post and nobody has had the guts to step up and confess.

So, first, I will send a free tub (OK, Rasage Poulin will do the actual sending, I will pay for it, including shipping) of Fraser Original Shave Cream to the most "Original" shaving story that gets posted in response on this thread. In fact, you can have your choice of Fraser Shave Cream from Rasage Poulin.
(I personally recommend the Mosswood but that's just me).

Second, for the brave Canadian and American men and women who are currently serving on Active Duty, I used to be one of you and you are all in my prayers.

However, the military surely had its lighter moments. One of mine was the full face straight razor shave (with lather) that I did while driving an open topped 67 pattern jeep from Wainwright to Shilo in the very early 80's. My CSM nearly had a heart attack, except he didn't get them, he gave them :biggrin:

SO, my current duty friends, for the best story of the weirdest active duty shave you ever had, I will send you your choice of shave soap OR shave cream from the Rasage Poulin website and throw in an Omega 10066 Brush to boot.

One last thing: I am going out of town tomorrow afternoon, so I will decide from what I read in the morning who "wins" or I will hold the judging until I return on Friday.

*NOW* does anyone want to respond?
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I wasn't on in the few hours after you posted the original post, but I guess I didn't really understand what you were saying. I had to look over it, but now I understand.

But I guess you know when you're an addict when. . .:lol:

I wish I had a better story but this is all I have (and I already posted it here:blushing:):

Okay so I was in the dorm bathroom shaving last week (maybe two), and one of my friends walks in. He has hair past his shoulders and huge mutton chops. I guess you could say he looks like a skater kid. Anyways, I was in the middle of a pass and he walks in, already aware of my shaving obsession, but sees my bottle of Pinaud Clubman sitting on the sink. "Dude! Where'd you get that Clubman?!" So I told him the CVS down the street had it, as did most drug stores. "Man, guess I hadn't thought of looking. I just remember my grandpa using it all the time," he said. So I asked him if he wanted to splash some on. Of course he took me up on it. Right after he put it on, he took a deep inhale and said "Nothing better than smelling like an old man!"

Also, this is a great offer. I hope to hear some great stories.
Recently at work, I mentioned to my coworkers that I actually treat shaving as a very enjoyable hobby. Everyone quickly thought it was odd. Then I mentioned that there are actually online shaving forums out there and I post on a couple of them. That's when the jokes came. "A forum?! What the heck do you talk about on a shaving forum? How to shave? How your shave was?" I responded directly with "yes". One coworker made a joke about sharpening straight razors and what angle to hold the blade at. That's when I corrected him about how to hone straight razors, and discussed all the different techniques, types of hones, strops, razors, and what not. Next thing I knew, everyone was listening carefully to what I was saying. Then I showed them the forum, and they were all glued to the computer screen! After that, they thought it was pretty cool!
Not a shaving story exactly, but it is related to grooming.

I was sitting in my car at a stoplight in Japan. It was an extremely hot day and the AC in my car wasn't working, so I had my window rolled down. Over the normal traffic noise, I heard a mechanical clacking sound coming from the taxi stopped next to me. When I looked over, I saw the driver of the cab with a barber's apron or bib around his neck, cutting his own hair while he waited for the light to change. He was just putting down a set of clippers--must have been some old wind-up surplus ones. That's what was making the clacking sound. Then he picked up a pair of shears and started trimming the front of his hair. When the light changed, he put them down and took off.
Not a shaving story exactly, but it is related to grooming.

And it made me choke on my coffee, good job :lol:

Then I showed them the forum, and they were all glued to the computer screen! After that, they thought it was pretty cool!

*My* co-workers think I'm even more of a loon. Great Job :biggrin:

But I guess you know when you're an addict when. . .:lol:

Nailed it in one, :lol:

I wish I had a better story but this is all I have (and I already posted it here:blushing:):

Still a great story. Aren't you the one who posted about his girlfriend saying something about "smelling like an old man in church with hair growing from the ears"?

"Nothing better than smelling like an old man!"


Also, this is a great offer. I hope to hear some great stories.

I was hoping to, too. All three of yours were pretty good. Thanks for being first to post.

Well, folks, I want to thank the three guys who showed up with a story. I would like to invite Ulysses, Just1Sturm and Nid Hog to have a ponder about Fraser Shave Cream and PM me with your preference and your contact info.

Contest Closed

- John
I put off shaving for a few days once, and was forced to shave at work.

This was a horrible sentence, and we all knew it.

The gear was a two-bladed disposable and a can of cheap goo.

Naturally, everyone always bled like a S.O.B. once finished, and another five minutes or so was required to stop bleeding before getting back to work. No aftershave of any kind was present.

I tell you, my Mach 3 and Gillette canned goo seemed fantasmastic by comparison the next couple of days. What's worse, this was when I worked at a pizza place. Would YOU rather have a bristly boy handling your dough, or a bleeding-face victim of forced self-mutilation?

I'll just say that it was certainly a lesson learned.

There's my story. I like the thread concept. Maybe you should change the initial post to make it more clear.

Stories are fun to read. :biggrin:
WOW; really nice offer from you, sir!!
I've just been reading your story and would not have turned up my virtual nose anyway, but NOW you made it very interesting.
Unfortunately, I am no CONUS nor MILITARY, too bad...:crying:

I just can't figure out how I would shave at work, still, your story got me drawing mental pictures of desk-drawers fully packed with goodies.:001_rolle
I just wanted to thank you for this kind of generous offer, keeping B&B the wonderful place that it is.
Besides, heck, what was I thinking, someone using Arlington:001_tt1::001_wub: just can't be that bad after all...:lol:

ugh too bad :(

i even live in calgary shippings free :(

wish i had seen this sooner,

but will tell a story none the less :) maybe the shaving gods will take pitty on my poor soul,

slept at my girlfriend house one time and didnt realize i was being taken to church with the family the next morning, and hadnt shaved since monday, i was working hard on a construction job :)

anywho, i ended up shaving with a 2 bladed disposable walmart brand razor, with a five minute time limit, that coincidentaly had been dropped or chipped or something and had a peice of blade pryed out, that cut me straight down the face from cheek to chin it bled like crazy and i had the patchiest shave i think i can ever remember, i looked absolutely horrible for church that day, and couldnt shave for a week because of the gash in my cheek,
so, as a precautionary measure, i gave her dad a boar hair brush, and cratree sienna cream so he would start wetshaving , and have since snuck a dovo straight and strop, and a canadian fat handled tech with 100 crystal blades hidden in her bathroom vent as well as a badgerhair brush, a tube of proraso, and a tube of crabtree sienna shaving cream

i hide them because she thinks i have a "Problem" cause i spend more on shaving stuff than on food , and would probably be pissed if she knew i had a 200 dollar straight and probably a hundred bucks more worth of shaving contraband hidden in her bathroom :)

anywho, maybe i get a runner up prize
*crossed fingers*
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OK, I see by the little counter thingy that TWENTY FIVE of you have looked at this post and turned up collective virtual noses.


I never expected such, well, introversion, from this site.

Well, OK. Let's make it more interesting.

The origination and the ground rules before I begin:

To start with, the thought to do this originated with a posting Rasage Poulin made earlier today, dealing with the idea of doing business with local companies. Well, Rasage Poulin *is* my local company and has treated me fantastically, putting up with all sorts of stupid questions. I hope he will take it in good stride when I call him tomorrow and tell him what I've done. :w00t:

Next, the "rules". First, mods, please do not move this thread. Second, if you decide to answer this little challenge, keep it clean (this *is* a family website after all) and keep it honest. Third and last, sorry, overseas friends, this challenge is Canada and the USA only but only because I know what Poulin is charging for shipping to these two.

I published a pretty head-shaking fact about my desk stash in the first post and nobody has had the guts to step up and confess.

So, first, I will send a free tub (OK, Rasage Poulin will do the actual sending, I will pay for it, including shipping) of Fraser Original Shave Cream to the most "Original" shaving story that gets posted in response on this thread. In fact, you can have your choice of Fraser Shave Cream from Rasage Poulin.
(I personally recommend the Mosswood but that's just me).

Second, for the brave Canadian and American men and women who are currently serving on Active Duty, I used to be one of you and you are all in my prayers.

However, the military surely had its lighter moments. One of mine was the full face straight razor shave (with lather) that I did while driving an open topped 67 pattern jeep from Wainwright to Shilo in the very early 80's. My CSM nearly had a heart attack, except he didn't get them, he gave them :biggrin:

SO, my current duty friends, for the best story of the weirdest active duty shave you ever had, I will send you your choice of shave soap OR shave cream from the Rasage Poulin website and throw in an Omega 10066 Brush to boot.

One last thing: I am going out of town tomorrow afternoon, so I will decide from what I read in the morning who "wins" or I will hold the judging until I return on Friday.

*NOW* does anyone want to respond?

You feel slighted.. I've had posts go for nigh on 60 or 70 views without a single hit. I think your idea is a good one too FTR.
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