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Just scored a bowl of Old Wrisley's on da Bay


Just scored the following on the Bay. Hadn't even heard of the stuff until somebody pointed me in the right direction. Got it for a great deal and have the puck soaking now. Its clearly, VERY old...but I'm looking forward to trying something vintage for a change. Barely discernable scent but I dont really care truthfully...looking forward to trying a true vintage Tallow shave soap!!!

I did some research on Wrisley's...an old soap company out of Chicago that appears to have gone bankrupt or suffered massive financial loss due to a fire that occured in the 1950s from what I can gather.

Does anyone else know or have more info? Somebody said they were connected to, or a subsidiary of, Yardleys but I cant find that either.
How big is the puck? One of my antique stores has what looks to be a very old Wrisley mug I've been eyeing for a while, but seems too small for anything other than Williams, and even then I might have to shave some off.
I have some Wrisley soap made for Saddle Club that I bought here. Nice coconut scent, great soap. Just used it this morning in fact. From what I understand, it is the same thing as Yardley soap.
Puck is 3inches in diameter. Upon getting it in the mail, I immediately pulled the puck out and rinsed it thoroughly as it appeared to have a cream colored hard layer all over it.

I did that about a half hour ago and just checked on it...already starting to soften.
Puck is 3inches in diameter. Upon getting it in the mail, I immediately pulled the puck out and rinsed it thoroughly as it appeared to have a cream colored hard layer all over it.

I did that about a half hour ago and just checked on it...already starting to soften.

Hmm, well it too big for the mug, I guess they weren't made for each other. I hope it goes well. I found a puck of Tally-Ho soap a while back, never thought to soak it. I'll have to give that a shot and see if it improves.
Keep in mind...when I say "soak", what I really mean is:

"Rinse the crap out of it, cover it and let it "soak" as a very damp puck in a covered bowl overnight" Basically, what I do to my MWF puck if I haven't used it for awhile to "charge" it prior to use the next day.

I DO NOT completely submerge it and let it soak submerged in a bowl etc.
Keep in mind...when I say "soak", what I really mean is:

"Rinse the crap out of it, cover it and let it "soak" as a very damp puck in a covered bowl overnight" Basically, what I do to my MWF puck if I haven't used it for awhile to "charge" it prior to use the next day.

I DO NOT completely submerge it and let it soak submerged in a bowl etc.

Noted, and about to try:thumbup1:
Alright, last night about two hours into the "soak" I checked the puck. It was almost as dry as when I started, so I cut a strip off a sponge and got that good and wet, then into the container it went. This morning I can tell the puck has absorbed a good amount of moisture. I did a little test lather on the hand, and it seems to be the same as I remember. The brush loaded much easier, but the lather was still very thin and even just on the hand I can feel it dried me out a little. I'm going to finish my week of VDH today, but tomorrow I'll give the Tally-Ho another shave. We'll see how another 24 hours treats the soap.
I hope your Wrisley's is a higher quality soap and you get some better results!
Interesting..a whole two hour soak huh?

I did a short soak (5-10 min) last night then a lather this morning just to check it out (no shave, just lather).

I got an amazingly slick, but thin, watery lather and my hand felt numb after working it up (about 2 mins at least...maybe three). I'm going to keep practicing with it for a few days before I go for a shave.

Oh, and I've decided that there was ZERO scent...which again is fine. In spite of the fact that it was advertised "with a hint" of lavender smell, the lack of scent really doesn't bother me. If this stuff is the Tallowy goodness of old, then I'm set! I'll get the scent from my Edt.

Slickness feels full of Tallow, but I'd like a little more cushion. Maybe as I gradually wake this puck up from probably 30+ years of slumber, it will come more alive.
After the rinse, the only covered bowl I could find was way too big for the puck. I'm guessing there was just too much air to pull the moisture back out of the soap. I bet if I checked it sooner it would have been wetter.
My Tally-Ho was labeled as a Lavender soap, but I still haven't caught the slightest whiff of any scent.

I'm guessing the older the soap, the less chance there is of a scent remaining. But hey, we're vintage guys right? Who needs scent!! LOL!

I just want the damn thing to shave ok.

I'm guessing the older the soap, the less chance there is of a scent remaining. But hey, we're vintage guys right? Who needs scent!! LOL!

I just want the damn thing to shave ok.

Agree 100%. Who needs scent if the performance is there? (sneaking off to have a big whiff of Old Spice soap:whistling:)
nice score!

i believe that the wristley's, saddle club, and tally-ho soap were all re-branded Yardley.

im still keeping an eye out for your Yardley, as now it'll be even more interesting to hear if that old rumour about the re-branding is true.

you mentioned that it didn't have the cushion you like, how did the cushion/slickness compare to MWF in your estimation?

Still sorting this soap out. Since I'm on the "month of MWF" run, I'm just playing with this soap by lathering it up now and then and trying to re-energize the puck from years of slumber under somebody's sink!

My first lather was super slick...better than any soap I own (Pens, TGQ, Proraso, MWF, DR Harris, Moos) but the cushion was low. I would say slightly better than MWF...no bubbly airiness to it like MWF has occasionally.
It's interesting to hear that my Tally-Ho might be the same as the Yardley I've heard so much about. If so, I'm doing something terribly wrong. So far, Tally-Ho isn't a soap that I'd go out of my way to find, none the less pay what I've seen some Yardley go for.
But hey, I'm willing to take the blame on the apparent lack of lather with this one. I'm going to stick with the Tally-Ho for a week (as in 7 days), and see if I can get some performance out of this little puck. I'll let you know how it goes.
Assuming these soaps are the same, does anyone have any input to how you get Yardley to perform so well?
I attempted a shave this morning with the Tally-Ho soap. This is actually the second shave I have tried to complete, and the second time I added cream half way into the first pass. This morning I tried a face lather, to no avail. Could not for the life of me make a lather with any cushion whatsoever. Very thin and if it lasted more than 30 seconds on the face, it wasn't by much. I'm wondering if I'm still not getting enough soap loaded on the brush, as the puck was very "squirrely" in it's bowl. Tomorrow I'll make a more focused effort to really load the brush.
BTW, do you think it would be best to start this in a new thread, or just go ahead and continue in this one? Any other suggestions to get some performance out of this soap?
It's interesting to hear that my Tally-Ho might be the same as the Yardley I've heard so much about. If so, I'm doing something terribly wrong. So far, Tally-Ho isn't a soap that I'd go out of my way to find, none the less pay what I've seen some Yardley go for.
But hey, I'm willing to take the blame on the apparent lack of lather with this one. I'm going to stick with the Tally-Ho for a week (as in 7 days), and see if I can get some performance out of this little puck. I'll let you know how it goes.
Assuming these soaps are the same, does anyone have any input to how you get Yardley to perform so well?

Well it's certainly possible that it's not the same soap. i can only imagine that anyone who's used Yardley would say there is no issue lathering up a bowl of Yardley lather. i could even imagine a fellow or two to say that the soap lathers itself.
Why I want a puck so badly...but damn they are expensive! I almost bought an empty bowl this weekend...but whats the point?
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