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Just ordered more brushes....

One of the vendors is offering a discount to B&B members for Simpson brushes. The ones available are smaller than I generally like but the prices were pretty good, so it happened again...........

SWMBO will disown me soon. I wonder if that could be a court-recorded cause for divorce:

Lawyer for the plaintiff:

"Your Honour, the plaintiff alleges that the defendant would compulsively purchase...shaving brushes. Yes, I've read that right. [plaintiff tugs at sleeve of lawyer]. Sorry, your Honour, I'm also reminded to mention that this intolerable condition of packages arriving at all hours like owls in a Harry Potter movie was exacerbated by the compulsive purchase of shaving soaps, creams, conditioners, aftershaves....your Honour, we may have to break here for an assessment of mental competency in the defendant.

Judge: So ordered. Let's break for lunch."

I'm dead.

By the way, an Emperor 1, Keyhole 2 and Beaufort 1 inbound :thumbup:

...By the way, an Emperor 1, Keyhole 2 and Beaufort 1 inbound :thumbup:...

That's nice. I've just been going through a bad case of SBAD, and I just got a Tulip 2 two-band (worked like a dream this morning), and a shavemac #25 26mm silvertip and Persian Jar 2 two-band on its way (courtesy of MajorBurnz!). This should end my SBAD. Should.
I wonder if that could be a court-recorded cause for divorce

If it was, my wife would probably have utilized it already. Also, I expect that I could develop a nice law practice just representing all the members of this board. Only problem would be the lack of funds from anyone. I would probably have to take fees in the form of shaving goods. :biggrin1:
One of the vendors is offering a discount to B&B members for Simpson brushes. The ones available are smaller than I generally like but the prices were pretty good, so it happened again...........

SWMBO will disown me soon. I wonder if that could be a court-recorded cause for divorce:

Lawyer for the plaintiff:

"Your Honour, the plaintiff alleges that the defendant would compulsively purchase...shaving brushes. Yes, I've read that right. [plaintiff tugs at sleeve of lawyer]. Sorry, your Honour, I'm also reminded to mention that this intolerable condition of packages arriving at all hours like owls in a Harry Potter movie was exacerbated by the compulsive purchase of shaving soaps, creams, conditioners, aftershaves....your Honour, we may have to break here for an assessment of mental competency in the defendant.

Judge: So ordered. Let's break for lunch."

I'm dead.

By the way, an Emperor 1, Keyhole 2 and Beaufort 1 inbound :thumbup:


One of the vendors is offering a discount to B&B members for Simpson brushes. The ones available are smaller than I generally like but the prices were pretty good, so it happened again...........

SWMBO will disown me soon. I wonder if that could be a court-recorded cause for divorce:

Lawyer for the plaintiff:

"Your Honour, the plaintiff alleges that the defendant would compulsively purchase...shaving brushes. Yes, I've read that right. [plaintiff tugs at sleeve of lawyer]. Sorry, your Honour, I'm also reminded to mention that this intolerable condition of packages arriving at all hours like owls in a Harry Potter movie was exacerbated by the compulsive purchase of shaving soaps, creams, conditioners, aftershaves....your Honour, we may have to break here for an assessment of mental competency in the defendant.

Judge: So ordered. Let's break for lunch."

I'm dead.

By the way, an Emperor 1, Keyhole 2 and Beaufort 1 inbound :thumbup:


Don't worry..just let your wife take a look at this picture, tell her it's only 20%of the whole stack and she'll only lift her shoulders...

Don't worry..just let your wife take a look at this picture, tell her it's only 20%of the whole stack and she'll only lift her shoulders...

Wow, great collection. Is there any way you could take a picture of the whole thing? :w00t:
I was considering buying a fourth brush, a Chubby 2, say, but decided to get a source of funds first. I guess I've just not got SBAD yet.
Don't worry..just let your wife take a look at this picture, tell her it's only 20%of the whole stack and she'll only lift her shoulders...


Oh my dear Lord in heaven.......there's 80% more? That's absolutely amazing, and intend to hold that picture in front of my face as SWMBO rains blows upon me with a large stick, all the while me balled up in the fetal position while I bleat, "But look how many brushes this guy has!"

Stop Enabling Me!


One of the vendors is offering a discount to B&B members for Simpson brushes. The ones available are smaller than I generally like but the prices were pretty good, so it happened again...........

SWMBO will disown me soon. I wonder if that could be a court-recorded cause for divorce:

Lawyer for the plaintiff:

"Your Honour, the plaintiff alleges that the defendant would compulsively purchase...shaving brushes. Yes, I've read that right. [plaintiff tugs at sleeve of lawyer]. Sorry, your Honour, I'm also reminded to mention that this intolerable condition of packages arriving at all hours like owls in a Harry Potter movie was exacerbated by the compulsive purchase of shaving soaps, creams, conditioners, aftershaves....your Honour, we may have to break here for an assessment of mental competency in the defendant.

Judge: So ordered. Let's break for lunch."

I'm dead.

By the way, an Emperor 1, Keyhole 2 and Beaufort 1 inbound :thumbup:


Thanks for the heads-up on this Chris. I am awaiting the B+B Eagle but I did order a Duke and a Case this morning as well. SBAD is a wonderful thing!
Don't worry..just let your wife take a look at this picture, tell her it's only 20%of the whole stack and she'll only lift her shoulders...


Was it you Sir that ordered every single one of our Simpson's brushes by any chance? I know it was a B&B member for sure! Reveal yourself... :lol:

Martin (B&H)
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