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Just ordered a Filly Strop, anything else I need?

I just received my first straight razor. I just ordered a Filly Strop from RupRazors. Im sending out the straight to get honed tomorrow...

Is there anything else I need for straight razor shaving (aside from brush, soap etc)?
Not right now. Watch videos on stropping as doing this wrong will quickly ruin your edge. The back will have Chromium Oxide for some freshen ups. Also read this over and over again. Good luck!
I splurged at got myself a Lite Heirloom and Beginners Strop from Tony Miller. Anything else you guys recommend for a beginner? The razor I received was honed by Lynn and has only been shaven with three times before I got it.
and don't forget patience.

Yes all the newbies give up after 1 or 2 shaves. It usually takes weeks just to get the hang of it months or years to mastery. Watch the videos and please dont try and run the edge on your thumb nail you will ruin it.
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