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Just got my shipment and tried it out tonight...

And it was awesome! Here's the previous thread if anyone is interested.

Here's the loot!


I only nicked my self once, and it's the closest shave I've ever had. Phil over at BullGoose Shaving was kind enough to throw in a couple extra packs of blades, and a sampler of Proraso's(strike that) Edwin Jagger's sandalwood shave soap and aftershave lotion, which is awesome by the way. It's got an awesome scent.

So far I couldn't be happier!

I should also mention that there was no razor burn whatsoever. Everything went very smoothly, so smooth that I couldn't believe it was actually taking anything off! The only problem I had was the lather falling off the brush and onto my shirt. :biggrin1:
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Glad to hear that you're pleased with your purchase. What's the Proraso aftershave like, how good is the cooling effect of the menthol? After trying their menthol cream I've been tempted to pick up a bottle
Glad to hear that you're pleased with your purchase. What's the Proraso aftershave like, how good is the cooling effect of the menthol? After trying their menthol cream I've been tempted to pick up a bottle

It's quite good. Makes ya feel minty fresh. I personally use cotton pads to apply aftershave, so my only problem was it's a bit of a pain getting anything out of the glass container. I suppose that's not a bad thing though, a little seems to go a long way and it's not cheap!
step 1: remove shirt

Sounds like you're having better luck than I am! I'm on day 4 and I've spent the entire time in the Razor Burn Motel. They don't have a pool and the couple in the room next door watches Glee nonstop. irritating.

Which blade did you end up using?
step 1: remove shirt

Sounds like you're having better luck than I am! I'm on day 4 and I've spent the entire time in the Razor Burn Motel. They don't have a pool and the couple in the room next door watches Glee nonstop. irritating.

Which blade did you end up using?

I think the trick is to try to use as little (or zero) pressure when shaving. That's what I did and I didn't have any razor burn problems. I used the Derby Extra blade (the one that comes with the DE89) the first time around. I figure when it's time to change the blade, I'll swap out for a different brand to see which I like best.
Hello fellow newbie!
I spy some EJ shaving soap in your picture - good stuff. I have been enjoying my DE89l razor for the last several weeks. It really is interesting how different blades affect the shave experience. I have to agree with your comment on BullGoose - excellent service.
Hello fellow newbie!
I spy some EJ shaving soap in your picture - good stuff. I have been enjoying my DE89l razor for the last several weeks. It really is interesting how different blades affect the shave experience. I have to agree with your comment on BullGoose - excellent service.

Hah, I guess it is EJ soap/aftershave. For some reason I thought it was Proraso that made the sandalwood stuff. I didn't even bother to read the name on the package!

It appears Proraso does indeed make sandalwood stuff, I was so confused at first but I see that both Proraso and EJ has their own sandalwood products.
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Wow it looks like you are set for at least a couple of months and you can't go wrong with Proraso products. Glad to hear it went well, it should only get better and better.
Wow it looks like you are set for at least a couple of months and you can't go wrong with Proraso products. Glad to hear it went well, it should only get better and better.

I bet $1 those products won't last a month......actually you won't last a month without buying more stuff.

Anyway, welcome aboard and that is a nice first haul. Glad you enjoy the new hobby.....or should I say addiction
Awesome, looks like you're off to a good start! That proraso is awesome stuff, you'll find lots of other stuff you like, but for some reason proraso is one I always find myself wanting to use sooner or later. As a matter of fact . . .
You're on the right track,and you picked a stable of great items.Bullgoose has a great inventory and is noted for honesty.I humbly suggest you stop wasting expensive aftershave on cotton balls !,you are bound to throw away good aftershave,just put a little in the palm of your hand,rub hands together and apply to face,this way it will not splash into your eyes.You will enjoy many good shaves and this forum as well,good to have you !
What kind of brush is that? It doesn't look like the Escali posted on Amazon

I wanted to get everything from one place, so it'd all come in at the same time. So I just got an Omega brush from Bullgoose, this one to be exact. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, I did the get it wet and then "squeeze" the water out thing, but I couldn't get it to "fluff out" like I have seen others do.

You're on the right track,and you picked a stable of great items.Bullgoose has a great inventory and is noted for honesty.I humbly suggest you stop wasting expensive aftershave on cotton balls !,you are bound to throw away good aftershave,just put a little in the palm of your hand,rub hands together and apply to face,this way it will not splash into your eyes.You will enjoy many good shaves and this forum as well,good to have you !

Thanks for the advice! I knew using cotton pads wasted a lot of aftershave, however I also used to use the cheap Walgreens brand stuff. At $17 a bottle you can bet I'm going to stop using those pads!

What kind of brush is that? It doesn't look like the Escali posted on Amazon

It's funny you should say that, I'm thinking about putting together another order with Bullgoose. I'd like to get some more of that sandalwood stuff and a few other things.
So I just got an Omega brush from Bullgoose, this one to be exact. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, I did the get it wet and then "squeeze" the water out thing, but I couldn't get it to "fluff out" like I have seen others do.

It's a boar brush, so it'll take a little while to break in properly - the ends should split and will feel softer. Omega boar brushes are very good - exceptional for the price.

The brushes you've seen "fluffing out", or blooming, are most likely badger hair brushes - boars doesn't bloom in quite the same way.
Quick question, is it advisable to leave the blade on the razor, or should it be removed after use? Also, how many times should a blade be used before replacing it? I think I read somewhere around 2 times. And while I'm thinking about it, on the Derby Extra blades, there's a 1 - 2 marking on one side and a 3 - 4 marking on the flip side. What does this mean?

It's a boar brush, so it'll take a little while to break in properly - the ends should split and will feel softer. Omega boar brushes are very good - exceptional for the price.

The brushes you've seen "fluffing out", or blooming, are most likely badger hair brushes - boars doesn't bloom in quite the same way.

Cool, thanks for the info!
Quick question, is it advisable to leave the blade on the razor, or should it be removed after use? Also, how many times should a blade be used before replacing it? I think I read somewhere around 2 times. And while I'm thinking about it, on the Derby Extra blades, there's a 1 - 2 marking on one side and a 3 - 4 marking on the flip side. What does this mean?

Some people take the blade out and carefully clean it each time, some just leave it where it is until it's finished - I just leave mine alone, and only open and clean the razor when it's time to replace the blade.

As for replacing the blades, some people shave for a fixed number of shaves and then replace it, while other people keep going until they feel it's losing its edge. I'm in the latter camp - I always have different blades in different razors, and I've no idea how many times each has been used - but I can feel pretty well when a blade is no longer sharp enough. How long does a blade actually last? That will depend on the blade and on the toughness of your beard - for me, a Feather blade (very sharp, but renowned for a short life) will do 2-3 shaves (some people only get 1-2), but something like an Iridium Super or some of the 7 O'Clock variants can last 5, 6, or 7 shaves.

The 1-2 and 3-4 numbers have no meaning in use - they're just there as part of the manufacturing so that if there are any flaws in the process they can tell which bits of machinery need adjusting.
Some people take the blade out and carefully clean it each time, some just leave it where it is until it's finished - I just leave mine alone, and only open and clean the razor when it's time to replace the blade.

As for replacing the blades, some people shave for a fixed number of shaves and then replace it, while other people keep going until they feel it's losing its edge. I'm in the latter camp - I always have different blades in different razors, and I've no idea how many times each has been used - but I can feel pretty well when a blade is no longer sharp enough. How long does a blade actually last? That will depend on the blade and on the toughness of your beard - for me, a Feather blade (very sharp, but renowned for a short life) will do 2-3 shaves (some people only get 1-2), but something like an Iridium Super or some of the 7 O'Clock variants can last 5, 6, or 7 shaves.

The 1-2 and 3-4 numbers have no meaning in use - they're just there as part of the manufacturing so that if there are any flaws in the process they can tell which bits of machinery need adjusting.

Awesome, thanks for all the info.

I just bought this, did a lot of research on these and from what I can tell this one was manufactured between 1948 and 1951. :biggrin1: Very cool having something so old! What do you think?
Ha ha, I knew it wouldn't be long before you bought something else. I'm a newbie too and can't go a week, ok a few days really, without reading the forums and thinking 'that looks like something I need' and placing another order. Youve got a nice setup and congrats on a smooth first shave.
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