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just got another big fellow

Sorry alex, that's not a big fellow. I saw the auction and figured someone was going to be unhappy with that.

If it's any consolation, I've fooled myself before, thinking I was purchasing a big fellow. The seller in my case didn't call it a big fellow like yours did, but the angle made it appear bigger than it was next to other razors. One way to tell is by the knurling. On a big fellow, the knurling is longer than the blade box.
That one you just bought is a single ring, since the blade box is longer than the knurling.
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For future reference, here is a shot of an old type big fellow next to a blade case. I apologize for it's appearance, I haven't gotten around to cleaning it yet.

darn, i just didnt pay attention, i bid on it and went away with out double checking, well off to the dispute dept. in ebay
thanks guys, i was looking forward to selling it cheap here. maybe next time i double check.

I told the seller that it was not a Big Fellow and told him exactly what it was. He was going to add the info to the description. I just checked the listing. He didn't. However he did post the length of the razor as 3.25 inches.

thanks guys, i was looking forward to selling it cheap here. maybe next time i double check.

So Len told him. And the seller chose to only quote the length and not that it isn't a big fellow or somebody mentioned that it may not be a big fellow (I've seen them do that shuffle before).

:thumbdown ebay seller.

Still a nice razor and probably still worth the money.

Still a disappointment since it was not as advertised though.

I love Old Type Gillette's.

Still a nice razor and probably still worth the money.

Still a disappointment since it was not as advertised though.

I love Old Type Gillette's.


And according to the link posted above to Achim's site, it appears to be in the correct case. Which is nice if your collecting, but like you say, a disappointment.

Still a nice razor and probably still worth the money.

Still a disappointment since it was not as advertised though.

I love Old Type Gillette's.


well its kinda green and grimy dirty, i seen better for less, i may choose to return it unless someone here want it for 30 bucks.
oh well, thanks to the awareness of our members here, they pointed out the difference on this razor,i was able to get refund. thanks guys.
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