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Just bought this little oddity. Any ideas?

I'm not sure of its age or indeed whether it is a shaving brush (sold as such) -looks more to me like a barber's brush for after a haircut. Handle etc appears to be wood, MOP or faux MOP decoration and the ivory-coloured plate, bone or some such. The bristles are wired onto this plate rather than (forgive the ignorance in terminology) 'bundled' together in a hollowed handle. Not sure. Thoughts, gentlemen?


And please forgive the blurry pictures! Should have used my macro!


Now half as wise
I agree, the size would help in determining it's function, but given how the bristles are grouped I would bet it was a barber's brush for talc, to use on the neck after a haircut. Pretty fancy one at that. Nice find!
What is the size of it? Is it shave brush size or is it cloths brush size?

Thanks all.

It's 4 inches top to bottom + 2/8ths or so. Handle to base of bristles 2", bristles "2 & 2/8".
The bristle head is 2 & 1/2" across

I was thinking along the neck brush lines, especially as it is not shaped, just a flat top...

I cleaned it up with warm water & the bristles hold water well, very soft. Badger or boar? I'm guessing boar.
Thanks all.

It's 4 inches top to bottom + 2/8ths or so. Handle to base of bristles 2", bristles "2 & 2/8".
The bristle head is 2 & 1/2" across

I was thinking along the neck brush lines, especially as it is not shaped, just a flat top...

I cleaned it up with warm water & the bristles hold water well, very soft. Badger or boar? I'm guessing boar.

Those dimensions certainly suggest a barber's brush rather than a shaving brush.

My guess, from the looks of it, would have been that this is badger hair.
Well, I'm starting a new regime from tomorrow - after the shave, a good old neck brush :)
I don't generally use talc but now I'm tempted!
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