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Just Acquired

Congrats!! That group of razors can deal with any shaving situation...now just get some quality, inexpensive WILLIAMS shaving soap and you will be ready:thumbup1:
That's an awesome starter stable of vintage Gillette DEs, if I do say so myself!:thumbup:If you're wanting to get started without waiting for an ordered soap to arrive, I'd suggest trying VDH(Van der Hagen). You can pick it up at Wal-Mart for under $3 a puck, and it outperforms its cost many times over! Glad you're here!:001_smile
That's quite a nice lineup for just starting out. You will be very well set up for finding your favorite razor. Also, I'm not sure if you've realized yet, but the bottom piece to the head of the Tech (the one with the ball end) is on upside down.
Off to a great start.
It seems RAD is starting before your first shave.
pick up a blade sampler and unleash the full potential of those razors
Great job, everyone, he's hooked.
Great score.
+1 on the Van der Hagen shave soap from Wal-Mart. I picked up 4 more pucks of it for about $1.50 each. I like it a lot. I've even started using it like a shave stick. Take it out of the plastic and rub it around on my face/head, then face/head lather with my cheapie VdH boar brush.
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