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Jump into the deep end right away.or.option B?

So, I want to get away from my electric razor. It's inconvenient, expensive and often doesn't give the best shave.

I've been eyeing these various blade razors (Merkur and Gillette SS mostly) and want to lather up and just DO it...but....

Should I 'jump straight into it' from an electric shaver or should I 'ease myself' into it?

My version of 'easing my self into it' would be getting this kit from Harry's: http://www.harrys.com/ (either the Truman or the Winston).
It seems everywhere I turn these days there are raving reviews about how good these kits are - and how the company donates part of the money, etc.

For $15-20 I could get into the foam, no-electricity way...and then easy may way into a razor-blade-Merkur/Gillette handle.

Ugh, not sure. Never knew there was soo much information and products out there in this area :)
I agree with above. You will still spend the same on a de set in the long run, but will have the extra money spent on the Harry's set that won't be used after awhile. I would grab the de set, and use the electric to bridge the learning gap. Good luck either way.
I'd say go all in right from the start. The learning curve might be slightly steeper but it will be much shorter. Just keep it simple in the beginning. One razor, brush, soap/cream and a blade sampler. Find a blade that works and stick with it until you've got the technique down.
I jumped straight from an electric to DE with no problems, and that was well over a year ago now. I think that Italianbarber offers up some all inclusive starter packages.
Thanks for the comments. Super friendly forum this!
I'll be checking out the various kits. Trying to keep my initial 'jump' into this area to under $50 :)
With a little careful shopping you can get a damn decent kit for right around $50. Certainly good enough to determine whether this is for you or not. Decent razor, decent brush, couple pucks of soap or a tube of good cream is all you really need besides a handful of razor tucks. When you decide what kit you're going to get, shoot me a private message and I'll send you a sample set of blades, so you can save that money for something else. I don't have dozens of varieties of blades, but the half dozen or so I have are some of the better performers, IMO.
With a little careful shopping you can get a damn decent kit for right around $50. Certainly good enough to determine whether this is for you or not. Decent razor, decent brush, couple pucks of soap or a tube of good cream is all you really need besides a handful of razor tucks. When you decide what kit you're going to get, shoot me a private message and I'll send you a sample set of blades, so you can save that money for something else. I don't have dozens of varieties of blades, but the half dozen or so I have are some of the better performers, IMO.

Thanks, yes, it is a bit..overwhelming...all the different types of handles, the blades making a difference, etc...but...I must admit it's also a lot of fun learning about all of this :)
The Edwin Jagger DE 89 with lined handle for $27 is a steal. You could also get whatever else you needed from them. It's a mild razor that's great for beginners, super high quality, and most people who start with one keep it around and use it even if they get many other razors.

The technique for a cartridge and de are different. Go straight in with the de and start with good habits. Spend the money on creams and soaps and not expensive cartridges.
I'd say jumping into the deep end would be going from electric to straights. I recommend skipping the cartridges and going straight to DE. Why develop habits you'll have to unlearn? Garry's Sample Shop has a kit with everything you need to start for $30.
If you are looking for inexpensive I know italianbarber was mentioned and they have their dollar a month deal which is a razor with 100 blades, another option might be Gary's Sample shop as he has a starter deal with brush, vintage razor, soap, blades, and aftershave samples for just over $30. I have not tried either so this is not an endorsement for either but just my observations. I have bought from Maggard Razors and the have starter kits with brush, soap, razor, and blades for under $50 as well, and from what I have been told their razor is similar to the Edwin Jagger DE89 or Muhle R89, not sure if that is true but I have found my razor is a good starter razor.
Jump straight into DE shaving. Pick up an Edwin Jagger DE89. Very mild, very forgiving razor. Great for a beginner. It was my first DE ad I couldn't believe how comfortable it was. Great razor to learn with. YMMV.
Jump straight into DE shaving. Pick up an Edwin Jagger DE89. Very mild, very forgiving razor. Great for a beginner. It was my first DE ad I couldn't believe how comfortable it was. Great razor to learn with. YMMV.

It is supposedly in the mail as we speak. Ordered it for $27 shipped.
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