After six months of DE shaving, RADs, and more recently, regular BBS shaves, the siren song of the straights became too much to bear. I can't put my finger on what exactly led me to this interesting state of affairs; i can only guess that like most new straight shavers, it was a combination of things. The drop- dead sexiness of the straights, their long and interesting history, and the longing for a new challenge were all contributing factors for sure... Whatever the case, I've decided to put down my DE's for 30 days. What you are about to read is a true story.
I looked into straight razors for a couple weeks, and decided it was time to add a shave ready straight to my growing DE razor collection. I watched the B/S/T forum for a few days and came close to buying a razor or two before I found Larry's website. I was drawn in by the idea that I could try out new and different straights for the price of a honing. Also Larry has a great reputation as a businessman and a honemeister. definately lived up to their stellar reputation, and my new straight was honed and shipped out the day after my order was placed. I received the blade and my strop kit on Saturday 6/26.
Monday night. Having absolutely no experience with a straight razor, I was filled with anticipation, and excitement. I had been reading the FAQ's on straight shaving, and watched a few videos as well. Trying to be mindful of blade angle and pressure, I began my shave...
Shave #1 -- 6/27
Prep consisted of a hot towel for a few minutes, I decided on one of my tried and true favorite soaps: SliceOfLife's Cedar Tallow test batch. I made a great lather, which eased the tension a bit. On my first WTG pass, whiskers were poppin' as expected. I was quite suprised at how much racket the hollow ground razor was producing. High off of my successful WTG effort, my apprehension slowly began to melt away as I relathered, and began my XTG pass.
XTG was less of an east- west pass, but more of a northeast to southwest pass, as that seemed a bit more natural. So far, the cheeks were the easiest bit, as they are relatively flat, with no obstacles to speak of. The moustache area was more difficult, as there's a pesky nose and lips in the way. The chin and neck seemed to be the most difficult, as I have a pretty meaty neck, and there are lots of pockets and depressions where my muscles, tendons and such are a bit like a relief map of some sort. XTG provided further beard reduction, and went well with the exception of a single, small weeper on my left cheek.
Third pass was another XTG, as I did not yet feel ready for a true S-N pass. The final pass went very well, and I completed my shave after a few touch ups. The shave was very passable, I'd say at the lower end of a DFS, with some minor skin irritation. I would not be embarassed to show up for work wearing that shave at all. An extended make-out session with the wife would - and did result in a gentle ribbing for not being BBS as usual.
Shave #2 -- 6/28
Monday night. Very excited to have another go at my new method of shaving. Prep consisted of a hot shower, and AOS Sandalwood soap. The lather gods were smiling again as I whipped up a nice batch in my DB 1.5 scuttle. I began my shave with the usual WTG pass. Something new happenned this time! No hair reduction. I tried my right cheek. I tried my left cheek, and moustache area. The hairs may as well have been titanium laced. Nothing I tried could pop more than a small amount of hairs. I went through the motions, and did 3 passes once again. In a few sparse areas, I had a smooth face, but the rest of my face either seemingly hadn't been reduced at all, or very little. Shockingly frustrated, I lathered my right cheek as if I were about to do some minor touch ups, and vigorously scraped at my face in a motion reminiscent of a cook trying to scrape day old eggs off a
frying pan with a neglected spatula. No injuries as a result of my fry- cook impression, with the exception of minor irritation, but I became convinced that I must have done something to completely dull the blade overnight.
I looked into straight razors for a couple weeks, and decided it was time to add a shave ready straight to my growing DE razor collection. I watched the B/S/T forum for a few days and came close to buying a razor or two before I found Larry's website. I was drawn in by the idea that I could try out new and different straights for the price of a honing. Also Larry has a great reputation as a businessman and a honemeister. definately lived up to their stellar reputation, and my new straight was honed and shipped out the day after my order was placed. I received the blade and my strop kit on Saturday 6/26.
Monday night. Having absolutely no experience with a straight razor, I was filled with anticipation, and excitement. I had been reading the FAQ's on straight shaving, and watched a few videos as well. Trying to be mindful of blade angle and pressure, I began my shave...
Shave #1 -- 6/27
Prep consisted of a hot towel for a few minutes, I decided on one of my tried and true favorite soaps: SliceOfLife's Cedar Tallow test batch. I made a great lather, which eased the tension a bit. On my first WTG pass, whiskers were poppin' as expected. I was quite suprised at how much racket the hollow ground razor was producing. High off of my successful WTG effort, my apprehension slowly began to melt away as I relathered, and began my XTG pass.
XTG was less of an east- west pass, but more of a northeast to southwest pass, as that seemed a bit more natural. So far, the cheeks were the easiest bit, as they are relatively flat, with no obstacles to speak of. The moustache area was more difficult, as there's a pesky nose and lips in the way. The chin and neck seemed to be the most difficult, as I have a pretty meaty neck, and there are lots of pockets and depressions where my muscles, tendons and such are a bit like a relief map of some sort. XTG provided further beard reduction, and went well with the exception of a single, small weeper on my left cheek.
Third pass was another XTG, as I did not yet feel ready for a true S-N pass. The final pass went very well, and I completed my shave after a few touch ups. The shave was very passable, I'd say at the lower end of a DFS, with some minor skin irritation. I would not be embarassed to show up for work wearing that shave at all. An extended make-out session with the wife would - and did result in a gentle ribbing for not being BBS as usual.
Shave #2 -- 6/28
Monday night. Very excited to have another go at my new method of shaving. Prep consisted of a hot shower, and AOS Sandalwood soap. The lather gods were smiling again as I whipped up a nice batch in my DB 1.5 scuttle. I began my shave with the usual WTG pass. Something new happenned this time! No hair reduction. I tried my right cheek. I tried my left cheek, and moustache area. The hairs may as well have been titanium laced. Nothing I tried could pop more than a small amount of hairs. I went through the motions, and did 3 passes once again. In a few sparse areas, I had a smooth face, but the rest of my face either seemingly hadn't been reduced at all, or very little. Shockingly frustrated, I lathered my right cheek as if I were about to do some minor touch ups, and vigorously scraped at my face in a motion reminiscent of a cook trying to scrape day old eggs off a
frying pan with a neglected spatula. No injuries as a result of my fry- cook impression, with the exception of minor irritation, but I became convinced that I must have done something to completely dull the blade overnight.