Good Morning!
I am very excited to say that I ave just finished my first straight razor shave!! Yay!!!!
I started with a hot shower, followed by unscented art of shaving pre-shave oil. I dont think the oil really did anything If anyone else has used it and has another opinion let me kow, cause as of now, i dont really see a point to pre-shave oil. I ran by blade along the strop 50 times, which may have been excessive, i am not sure. After this I used a little bit of hot water and by boars hair brush to lather up some art of shaving unscented shaving cream (all of this i got in sample form from visiting there shop). It turned out I didn't use enough water (or at least I don't think i did) because the lather dried rather quickly on my face, causing some problems. So I added more hot water and re-lathered. Every time I added more water (I think I did it 3 times in the end) it got better. I think I may have a good Idea of how much water to use now.
Now while I am excited to have been able to do it, I am a little disappointed with my results. As this is my first time, i know i will get better as time goes on. I started as I read on most sites, up in the sideburn area and went down. Unless otherwise stated I went with the grain. I then repeated on the left hand side of my face. I had some problems seeing at certain points, but I quickly figured out how to solve these problems. I then went onto my throat and chin. While under my chin was surprisingly easier than I would have though, my chin gave me a lot of problems. If anyone has any advice on it I would be really grateful for any tips. Every few passes I made sure to wipe off the cream and hair on a clean face towel. I may replace this with a sponge soon though, because I think it may be easier to clean after.
After this I hit up above my lip. I then repeated the process about 3 times, each time angling the blade more parallel with my face. Towards the end I went against the grain a little around my sideburns and under my chin, as well as my upper lip to get a feel for it. Again it wasn't that bad.
After I finished my four attacks, I finished by rinsing off the blade, making sure to keep water out of the pivot, and dried the blade. I then washed the part of the scales I got a little bit of shaving cream on. I made sure to dry it all then put them away after letting it sit out to breath for a few minutes while i cleaned the bowl and brush. I stropped it another 50 times before storing it. I washed my face and applied some after shave.
All in all it took almost 45 minutes to an hour to do. This was a long time and I need to get faster or I will only be able to shave on the weekend. Will I be faster or is this how long it takes yall to shave as well?
I did walk away with 2 slight nicks from when i jittered the point of the blade into my face, nothing major, didn't even require toilet paper to stop the bleeding I also have a nice bit of razor burn from where I think I went too fast or at too sharp of an angle. If anyone knows how to reduce razor burn please let me know. It is not as close of a shave as I would have liked but it is pretty good for a first time. I have some very small stubbles when I run my hand across my face, but I cannot see it and its not too much. I feel like maybe its something between 10-12 hours after a usual shave amount of stubbles.
So for next time I will be using more lather to start with and trying to reduce the amount of razor burn. I will also try some more against the grain.
For now I have a few questions. First is how do I attack the chin? Its very annoyingly shaped.
Second, How do I reduce razor burn?
Third, How much water do I use to lather up? Should it be a little liquid or more solid (the lather foam)?
Fourth, My girlfriend says my face smell like puke, why?!?!??!!?! Is it the boars hair brush or the "unscented" stuff from art of shaving? I washed it first with soap but maybe it wasn't good enough.
Final question, How do I stop the razor burn from feeling bleh now? I used aftershave but it still feels a little tight and sandy.
I hope this was a good format for the shave journal. Any and all feedback is welcome.
Thanks and I hoped you enjoyed. Here is a picture of my stuff to celebrate my first shave. Let me know what yall think.

I am very excited to say that I ave just finished my first straight razor shave!! Yay!!!!
I started with a hot shower, followed by unscented art of shaving pre-shave oil. I dont think the oil really did anything If anyone else has used it and has another opinion let me kow, cause as of now, i dont really see a point to pre-shave oil. I ran by blade along the strop 50 times, which may have been excessive, i am not sure. After this I used a little bit of hot water and by boars hair brush to lather up some art of shaving unscented shaving cream (all of this i got in sample form from visiting there shop). It turned out I didn't use enough water (or at least I don't think i did) because the lather dried rather quickly on my face, causing some problems. So I added more hot water and re-lathered. Every time I added more water (I think I did it 3 times in the end) it got better. I think I may have a good Idea of how much water to use now.
Now while I am excited to have been able to do it, I am a little disappointed with my results. As this is my first time, i know i will get better as time goes on. I started as I read on most sites, up in the sideburn area and went down. Unless otherwise stated I went with the grain. I then repeated on the left hand side of my face. I had some problems seeing at certain points, but I quickly figured out how to solve these problems. I then went onto my throat and chin. While under my chin was surprisingly easier than I would have though, my chin gave me a lot of problems. If anyone has any advice on it I would be really grateful for any tips. Every few passes I made sure to wipe off the cream and hair on a clean face towel. I may replace this with a sponge soon though, because I think it may be easier to clean after.
After this I hit up above my lip. I then repeated the process about 3 times, each time angling the blade more parallel with my face. Towards the end I went against the grain a little around my sideburns and under my chin, as well as my upper lip to get a feel for it. Again it wasn't that bad.
After I finished my four attacks, I finished by rinsing off the blade, making sure to keep water out of the pivot, and dried the blade. I then washed the part of the scales I got a little bit of shaving cream on. I made sure to dry it all then put them away after letting it sit out to breath for a few minutes while i cleaned the bowl and brush. I stropped it another 50 times before storing it. I washed my face and applied some after shave.
All in all it took almost 45 minutes to an hour to do. This was a long time and I need to get faster or I will only be able to shave on the weekend. Will I be faster or is this how long it takes yall to shave as well?
I did walk away with 2 slight nicks from when i jittered the point of the blade into my face, nothing major, didn't even require toilet paper to stop the bleeding I also have a nice bit of razor burn from where I think I went too fast or at too sharp of an angle. If anyone knows how to reduce razor burn please let me know. It is not as close of a shave as I would have liked but it is pretty good for a first time. I have some very small stubbles when I run my hand across my face, but I cannot see it and its not too much. I feel like maybe its something between 10-12 hours after a usual shave amount of stubbles.
So for next time I will be using more lather to start with and trying to reduce the amount of razor burn. I will also try some more against the grain.
For now I have a few questions. First is how do I attack the chin? Its very annoyingly shaped.
Second, How do I reduce razor burn?
Third, How much water do I use to lather up? Should it be a little liquid or more solid (the lather foam)?
Fourth, My girlfriend says my face smell like puke, why?!?!??!!?! Is it the boars hair brush or the "unscented" stuff from art of shaving? I washed it first with soap but maybe it wasn't good enough.
Final question, How do I stop the razor burn from feeling bleh now? I used aftershave but it still feels a little tight and sandy.
I hope this was a good format for the shave journal. Any and all feedback is welcome.
Thanks and I hoped you enjoyed. Here is a picture of my stuff to celebrate my first shave. Let me know what yall think.