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Jodi Arias guilty of murder

Looking at Arias and her attorney, it was hard to tell which one was the evil twin. I found that kind of creepy.
According to something I read, the Defendant was on the stand for eighteen days. The trial lasted like 4 months?

I know it was a murder charge, and it sounds like justice was finally served, but that is absolutely ridiculous. The taxpayers in whatever Circuit that Judge presides over should be marching in the streets for letting the case turn into such a debacle.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Our justice system has spoken and pervailed! :yesnod:

"Each [person] must reach his [or / her] own verdict, by weighing all the relevant evidence". Leonard Peikoff
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According to something I read, the Defendant was on the stand for eighteen days. The trial lasted like 4 months?

I know it was a murder charge, and it sounds like justice was finally served, but that is absolutely ridiculous. The taxpayers in whatever Circuit that Judge presides over should be marching in the streets for letting the case turn into such a debacle.

It made a barrel or two of t.v. money.
I'm just happy that we don't have to hear from Nancy Grace like we would have had she been found innocent.
Why is this such a big deal and all over the news? Plenty of murders happen every day and trials go on all the time. Hmm, is it because she is white and attractive?


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Must be, because she's definitely not attractive.
Why is this such a big deal and all over the news? Plenty of murders happen every day and trials go on all the time. Hmm, is it because she is white and attractive?

Attractive??? It probably received a lot of attention because the way she committed the murder.
Received more publicity than warranted, taxpayers lose, don't care what happens to those who commit murder; may they get what they deserve.
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