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My name is John and I have Japanese Knife Acquisition Disorder.

I keep finding myself looking at JKI, CKTG, JCK, etc whenever I have time to kill... At work I look at the beautiful blue patina forming on the steel of of Tojiro ITK Gyuoto (I removed the faux kirouchi finish.) Whenever I cut something with a store/restaurant knife (aka not mine) I think how much easier it would be if I used my own... Whenever I am too lazy to walk out to my Jeep while making dinner to grab my knives ans use my old knives I say to myself I should have walked out to my car and gotten my REAL knives.

Anyways, Its time to buy another :D

Thinking of a Richmond Artifex in m390 steel. I like the corrosion resistance- We do a lot of business. It is cheap enough if it fell on the floor I would cry but not be heartbroken. It has a western handle which is a slight negative but I choke up enough on a knife it doesn't really matter. It will be SO MUCH sharper than the house knives. It has a point for opening bags (otherwise I would just get a nakiri). The 210mm is short enough I can use it a lot easier on my 'sandwich table' cutting board.

Now back to oogling pretty pictures I've oogled so many times before (and add more knives to the want list)!
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This thread is worthelss without pictures right?!
Closer shot of the patina. :D
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