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Japanese Translation Needed

I was cleaning up some razors that I plan to list on eBay and I came across some Japanese writing that I don't recognize. The handle was pretty nasty so after sawing - yes, sawing - away the gunk, these three stamps were left. I've owned numerous JP razors and I've never see these before. If anyone can translate them, please do so. Thanks.
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I know that the Japanese, at least the old blade makers, would mark their blades with the part of the body it was tested on. In looking up those marks it roughly translates to: "Sliced off left ear, so sorry". :cursing: :001_tt2:
It says "新型", "shin gata", which means "new type". The symbol in between is not a Japanese symbol and just looks to be some sort of maker's mark.
Thanks, Dave. It's certainly new to me.

I recognized those two kanji right away as they've been on the news here in Japan for the past year. H1N1/Swine flu is called 新型インフルエンザ、"shin gata influenza" or "the new type of influenza" in Japanese.

No connection of course between the flu and this razor. :biggrin1:

side note: are you teaching english in Japan? I have a few friends that are teaching in Osaka, Fukuoka, and Saitama. They started with JET, but have since moved to private.
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