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Japanese straights

I really, really like the look of the Japanese straights with the more traditional handle. Could anyone point me in the direction of somewhere where it would be possible to buy these so I know how much I need to save up :laugh:
Be sure to get it shave ready. Not only is the honing technique markedly different, the steel seems to me to be much harder. Had quite the time getting mine shave ready.

Give yourself plenty of time the first few times you use it. I've been shaving with western straights for a few years now. First time out with a Japanese straight, I cut myself several times.

Despite all this, they are fun to use.
Nice! I was assuming they wouldn't be cheap.

Anything to try to avoid?

New or old, try to get something that hasn't been honed a lot. Japanese razors have an asymmetrical shape with a concave side. They can be ruined quite easily if you hone them incorrectly. For a beginner, trying to deal with an over-honed JP razor is an exercise in futility.
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