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Jack Black Shaving Soap Puck- Quasi Review

Hi Everyone,

Quick background, I am still very much a noob and trying to find my perfect lather combo for my daily shave. With the help of a Nordstrom giftcard, I found myself in front of the Jack Black display case in awe.

So. Much. Stuff! All of it had the best smell and, a price tag to go with it. I already have the Triple Lather- it doesn't lather too much but I like it for a super lather- so I wanted to branch out and try other JB stuff.

First time I bought a combo pack with face wash, beard lube and aftershave lotion with SPF. I can go into further detail if you want but these three things are my new FAVORITE things ever. While gathering this I saw the soap and thought "I didn't know they had a soap!" It was $15 so I didn't buy it but vowed to be back after some online research.

B&B being the first place, I couldn't find much on it. I scoured the search and found a few people asking about it but not much in performance. Next stop, amazon. Current there are 4 reviews at a 4 star. Okay, a little detail, not much. Last Friday I went back and bit the bullet. First shave was Monday morning. Now to my terrible (really, it is) first thoughts review:

First, I am not a soap guy. This is my first real soap aside from proraso white croap which lathers like a beast.

I decided to go with an all JB shave and bowl lather this soap over the beard lube as a pre-shave. I got the BEST shave I've ever had! However, I had a hard time getting a decent thick lather from the soap. :glare:

Tuesday same deal, same shave, semi decent lather. So here is my first thought bottom line. Something in this combo is working really well for me and the only thing I changed was adding this soap. It seems super slick over the already slicker than snot Beard Lube. I plan on making this my go to routine and hope with the tutorials on here that I can get better at soap lathering and hopefully this is one that truly does lather like a king. Until then, for you curious folk out there, I like it. Two semi lathered thumbs up!:thumbup:
Sounds like you're getting great results AH, so I wouldn't worry too much about getting a more copious lather. If what you're getting works for you, you're already in the zone!

Thanks for your review.
When I first started caring about how I shaved I picked up the triple lather cream and was amazed by how much easier is was to shave. I didn't know shavin could be enjoyable until then. I'm right there with you being a newbie and all. I really do like the smoothness and smell of the cream even though, like you said, it doesn't lather at all. However still provides a solid shave. How do you like the other Jack Black products you purchased? I had a small sample of the face cooling gel and was pretty impressed with that. And thanks for the heads up about the soap, I saw that the other day. Might just have to give it a shot.
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