Can somebody who used this soap compare it to other artisan's soaps like PannaCrema, QCS, Srop Shoppe....
Hello Manuel. While everyone will have a different opinion and have their favorite soaps, my best performing soaps are Mike's, Barrister & Mann, and Strop Shoppe. I have two of your soaps, which I have enjoyed, but I haven't found them to produce as thick, or slick of a lather as the others. Perhaps this is due to using your soaps less frequently and therefore haven't dialed them in as well as the others. I have enjoyed your scents, and I think I'll send you a PM or email to see what you currently have available. You certainly have a quality product enjoyed by many.
Manuel, do you do soap samples? I have the other soaps but haven't tried the Jabonman soaps yet. I'd love to try them.
Would you consider offering a smaller amount of soap as a sample and delivering it in an easier manner. For example I just received a sample of a french soap that was folded flat in wax paper and delivered in a normal envelope. The sample was in a small flat bag with a label attached. The soap sample was about the size of a business card but a little bit thicker. Was enough for about 3 or 4 shaves. This was enough for me to try the soap and I will now order it. I don't mind paying the high shipping rates for a good soap, I just don't want to commit to a large order for something I've never tried and may not like. Anyway, please consider this method as opposed to sending the larger samples and let me know what you think.
Thank you,
Hi Manuel, could you tell us what are the current scents you offer?