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ivy club question

recently, i've started using ivy club, smells great lasts forever and a day however a cut on my face got infected... and i was wondering if the ivy club could be the cause (thats what my SHMBO says it is and I'm wondering if there is any validity to it...) i wouldn't think so because of the alcohol but I'm not really one to say anything one way or another so anyone have an answer?
With the high alcohol content, I'd be really surprised if your Ivy Club Spice were responsible for that infection. I have no data on it - that's just my WAG. If infections become a problem for you in the future, might I suggest trying out an alum bar? It is a topical disinfectant, and a bit more potent than most AS's.
recently, i've started using ivy club, smells great lasts forever and a day however a cut on my face got infected... and i was wondering if the ivy club could be the cause (thats what my SHMBO says it is and I'm wondering if there is any validity to it...) i wouldn't think so because of the alcohol but I'm not really one to say anything one way or another so anyone have an answer?

Sometimes when you have a very fast drying alcohol (rubbing alcohol) it can cause a cut to scab over too quickly and trap infection inside the cut. The Ivy Club (or any AS) should not be the culprit here, though it is within the realm of possibility.

Consumer market aftershaves have more than one preservative, and I doubt it has become contaminated.

I'd put antibiotic ointment on it per tube instructions, and go to doctor if it starts getting worse.
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