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I've only been DE Shaving since april...

...how did this happen?


..and, more importantly, will it ever stop?!?
Answer to your first question: We are enablers.

Answer to your second question is yet to be determined.

I began in March myself, and I have an equally baffling amount of stuff compiled.
Love the shaves though ever since I started, and I love the challenge of finding another blade, soap, cream or razor that adds to the experience and joy of it that I've been missing since I began shaving.
I'll try to add in my own pic and list later on...
Thank you for posting this.

I printed it out and showed it to my wife. Since I returned to wet shaving years ago and have nothing as extensive as this, your picture has worked wonders. :lol:

Curious, have you used the Stahly Live Blade Razor? If so, how do you like it? I saw one in an antique store some time ago but passed on it. :crying:
Thank you for posting this.

I printed it out and showed it to my wife. Since I returned to wet shaving years ago and have nothing as extensive as this, your picture has worked wonders. :lol:

Happy to help...I WON'T be showing it to my wife. When it's put away, it's in a variety of drawers. I don't think she quite grasps the extent of it :blush:

Curious, have you used the Stahly Live Blade Razor? If so, how do you like it? I saw one in an antique store some time ago but passed on it. :crying:

Just this morning: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=158889
Very nice! But, what's up with the piggy bank? You certainly can't have any money left at this point?

Oh, wait. I get it. Saving for the next acquisition. Smart, very smart.
Don't worry, 'bout a thing! Try this exersise.

Close your eyes. Now, think of how many days you got outstanding shaves, how enjoyable the act of shaving is now and how long throughout everyday your shave continues (by feeling your face) to offer enjoyment.

Open your eyes and look at the picture again. Still concerned? I can't offer much hope. Once you you form opinons on brands, for example, you then have to form opinons on scents! Add to that the new-to-you stuff you run across here and it's going to be around awhile. Enjoy it all!! )
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