I had mentioned a couple days a go that I had shaved (without having shaved the previous day), using a super lather of MWF @ GFT Sandalwood cream, getting the smoothest shave in a long time with very little irritation after 3 passes (WTG, XTG & ATG and no touch ups).
Well I tried it again today. I loaded up my brush with MWF, then added a dollop of TOBS Shaving Shop cream and went to town with it in my bowl. Well I got the same results today (without touch ups). One thing I did notice though, and I think this is THE KEY: both times the lather was thick and merengue like, but there was very little moisture. At spots you can see it drying up, but even after passing my razor over those dry spots I got no irritation and the shave was super smooth.
I'm pretty sure I'll be superlathering most of the time now.
Well I tried it again today. I loaded up my brush with MWF, then added a dollop of TOBS Shaving Shop cream and went to town with it in my bowl. Well I got the same results today (without touch ups). One thing I did notice though, and I think this is THE KEY: both times the lather was thick and merengue like, but there was very little moisture. At spots you can see it drying up, but even after passing my razor over those dry spots I got no irritation and the shave was super smooth.
I'm pretty sure I'll be superlathering most of the time now.