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I've been so (S)BAD...

Although I'm relatively new to shaving the proper way, I've been going overboard buying brushes the last four weeks; I just love the feel and looks (and differences):w00t: So I thought I'd share some pics of my latest acquisitions with you, the kind people who infected me with this virus through this wonderful community:a8:

Mühle 23mm silvertip pre-bloom (in its 'case'):

Rooney 1/1 & 3/1 silvertip pre-bloom:

Unfortunately I can't find the Vulfix 374 Super pre-bloom pic, so here's a shot of all of 'm, bloomed:

Finally, a shot from above of the difference in knots:

Some random observations:

- While the Vulfix is the least dense and most floppy, it's also the most scratchy brush in this quartet. I love to use it when I have a few days worth of growth.

- The Rooney 3/1 and Mühle are both pretty dense and appear to have about the same size after blooming. The Mühle however, having only a 1mm bigger knot, feels a little too large on my face and less precise, so I tend to use it the least (but it's very beautiful to look at:001_rolle) Maybe it's the bulb-shape?

- I really like to use the 1/1 in the morning: dense and stiff, but very soft tips. Great way to wake up. Also like the Rooney-imitation-ivory very much.

Well, nothing really useful to contribute, but I hope you like the pics.
I like the pictures. Luckilly, for me, I've been able to resist SBAD so far. I am eying a Rooney 1/1 in finest, though...
Beautiful brushes, all of them. I especially like those Rooneys. Like Shavemacs I think they're overpriced but that doesn't keep me from wanting one like that 3/1 you have there! Wonderfully dense. Nice color to the hair too.
So far I have been avoiding SBAD, just ordered the Rooney 1/1 and hope it will be the only brush I buy for the next few years :lol:
Dammit, another victim of the SBAD-flu in this area of the globe...what's wrong with this place....did i spread the disease....:biggrin:

Behold Jelle, or you will end up like this insane state of SBADness....:

Dammit, another victim of the SBAD-flu in this area of the globe...what's wrong with this place....did i spread the disease....:biggrin:

Behold Jelle, or you will end up like this insane state of SBADness....:


Whoa!!! :eek: I thought I was getting crazy :confused: :confused1 when I made two, one of which I haven't even used yet...
Dammit, another victim of the SBAD-flu in this area of the globe...what's wrong with this place....did i spread the disease....:biggrin:

Behold Jelle, or you will end up like this insane state of SBADness....:

How big is the brush all the way at the bottom? It must be over 30 mm in diameter and over 60 mm in loft.
Beautiful brushes, all of them. I especially like those Rooneys. Like Shavemacs I think they're overpriced but that doesn't keep me from wanting one like that 3/1 you have there! Wonderfully dense. Nice color to the hair too.

Overpriced? Both Rooney and Shavemac are very good brush values, IMO. Consider that those two brands are hand made in two of the most developed nations on the planet. How much would you have to charge per brush in order to create jobs, cover your overhead, and keep you and your family fed/housed?

This mentality is why Wal-Mart is king, nothing is made in the US anymore, and why we're losing jobs to other countries. Yet "everything costs too much." You can either pay for quality and invest in developed economies, which may mean purchasing less "stuff" for yourself, or you can buy cheap goods (repeatedly) and help create jobs in developing nations. Show me a brush made in China or India that matches the quality and performance of Shavemac and Rooney. Expensive brushes? Sure. Overpriced? Maybe not. A lot of us buy 'em. :001_smile

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A lot of us buy 'em.
And that's fine. That's how houses like Shavemac stay in business.

When I first looked at upgrading from a pure badger, I looked into Shavemac. How could I not? They're beautiful brushes. I eventually got an EJ Super Badger from the English Shaving Co., and it was $60 shipped for their "large" sized brushes. It's not as dense as Shavemac, but it's handmade, and around 30% cheaper than the comparable Shavemacs. That's why I eventually went with it.

Rooney is pure luxury. Like Shavemac, they're beautiful. But their brushes in "large" size silvertip are even more expensive. Personally, I think it's too high.

Your argument about economics goes far beyond what I even meant in my original post.
Overpriced? Both Rooney and Shavemac are very good brush values, IMO. Consider that those two brands are hand made in two of the most developed nations on the planet. How much would you have to charge per brush in order to create jobs, cover your overhead, and keep you and your family fed/housed?

This mentality is why Wal-Mart is king, nothing is made in the US anymore, and why we're losing jobs to other countries. Yet "everything costs too much." You can either pay for quality and invest in developed economies, which may mean purchasing less "stuff" for yourself, or you can buy cheap goods (repeatedly) and help create jobs in developing nations. Show me a brush made in China or India that matches the quality and performance of Shavemac and Rooney. Expensive brushes? Sure. Overpriced? Maybe not. A lot of us buy 'em. :001_smile


I agree, Andy! Well said.
I am not the type of guy that hordes things. I get a lot of stuff but if I don't like it I get rid of it. I went through about a dozen brushes before I found two that I like. I have a SR 3824 which I am taking to the grave with me and a Simpson Chubby 2. Not to say that I won't try others and add if it fits into my den in some unique way. Some people keep their stuff and collect, I sell the stuff I don't care for and the stuff I like I keep and add to the core of things that I like. Nothing I have in my den just sits there. But whatever makes you a happy shaver is the way to go.:001_smile
Holy HELL Muhle sure does know how the value of good packaging! I would love to open something like that up. Hats off to them for presentation.

The "overpriced" discussion could go a lot of ways. I personally think any brush more expensive than my $10 Tweezerman is overpriced :biggrin:
Wow, drP, that's quite the collection:eek: Sure enhances the appearance of the bathroom! Hmmmm, perhaps I should speak to my wife about this... redecoration time; I'll bring the brushes :smile:

Re. the packaging: it is indeed a very nice package and I was kind of surprised, as the review of (about) the same brush said it came in a flimsy plastic box.
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"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Thanks for the pics! It's always good to compare! The Muhle looks awesome! All of them actually...

Peter -> What photoshop can do for you... Kidding... Nice collection, it must take you 6 months to get back to brush #1...
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