Made this for the wife for fun. What do you think?
Oct 23, 2012 #3 cdhumiston I like it, but is it for shaving or is it a make up brush? Looks kind of like the latter to me and my wife would love that!
I like it, but is it for shaving or is it a make up brush? Looks kind of like the latter to me and my wife would love that!
Oct 23, 2012 Thread starter #4 deruitem cdhumiston said: I like it, but is it for shaving or is it a make up brush? Looks kind of like the latter to me and my wife would love that! Click to expand... LOL yes it is a cosmetic brush
cdhumiston said: I like it, but is it for shaving or is it a make up brush? Looks kind of like the latter to me and my wife would love that! Click to expand... LOL yes it is a cosmetic brush
Oct 23, 2012 Thread starter #6 deruitem Deltaboy said: Cool teenaged girls would love it too. Click to expand... PINK is the in thing (or seems to be)
Deltaboy said: Cool teenaged girls would love it too. Click to expand... PINK is the in thing (or seems to be)
Oct 26, 2012 #8 slamjet I've got four (20, 15, 15, 11) and only the youngest likes pink. This does not bother me since pink is one of mom and dad's more disliked colors. Plus my baby girl is daddy's princess, she can do no wrong
I've got four (20, 15, 15, 11) and only the youngest likes pink. This does not bother me since pink is one of mom and dad's more disliked colors. Plus my baby girl is daddy's princess, she can do no wrong