It's funny how things happen and changes come about quite by accident. I was just looking at my Amazon account history and noticed that on January 17 2008 I purchased a Merkur HD, a tube of Prorasso and a Tweezerman badger brush. Not long after I bought 100 Derby blades. I recently joined this forum and posted about my beat up brush (the tweezerman) as it had worn away. I had become complacent and just going through the motions of shaving and actually grew to dislike shaving. A lot had to do with my schedule and lack of time especially having to shave my face and head. Rush rush rush....late late late.....oh noooo, I have to shave tomorrow morning! That type of thing.
Well, on a trip to the Bahamas back in September I came across some Bay Rum at a perfume factory. I didn't buy it but had been thinking about it since and sorry I didn't get it. I did some Googling and found out something I didn't know. The Bay Rum/carribean Island connection. Ahhh yes...Pirates!! Arrggghhhh. Which in turn prompted me to get out the Pinaud VIBR I had under my bathroom sink buried in the back. Suddenly I had a new respect for the scent. On workdays (I'm blue collar) I had been using Clubman. But I wanted something better more refined than the Pinaud bay rum as I found VIBR just a little too strong. I found Master's at Sally's Beauty supply and I think that stuff is pretty damn good. Mellow. Then some research led me to more manufacturers and Ogallala which absolutely blew me away. Smelling nice led me to more grooming/facial care and then wanting a good shave before treating my skin.
A good shave? I can do that! I already have the equipment and the know how....I used to do it everyday I've just been slacking lately and switched to every other day and rushing through it. So now here I am back on a forum after all these years and back to being deep into DE shaving and all its little guilty pleasures. I have now switched from C.O. Bigelow shave cream which I have used from the start (actually I used Prorasso first...same) to soap; and after my VDH Deluxe runs out I'm sure I will try something else, Most likely Mikes as i have my eye on that. I got a new brush and after using Derby blades since the start (after my initial sample pack) I just ordered a 10 pack each of Astra's and Feathers. I will be testing these shaves and probably switching blades soon. I remember really liking Feathers years ago but found them too expensive compared to Derby. Looking around now they seem reasonable. But I hear good things about Atra's so I'm field testing.
But here I am back in full force. Not that I ever left as I have been DE shaving all along but I just sort of lost interest. Now I am like a beginner again and everyday is like Christmas!!! Strange how these things happen. And it was all from a chance tour of a perfume factory and my love of the Carribean and the Bay Rum connection.
Which reminds me, I just placed another order with Ogallala also. Next up....Captains Choice. Yes and don't forget Mikes soap.
Yea...I got it bad.....again!

Well, on a trip to the Bahamas back in September I came across some Bay Rum at a perfume factory. I didn't buy it but had been thinking about it since and sorry I didn't get it. I did some Googling and found out something I didn't know. The Bay Rum/carribean Island connection. Ahhh yes...Pirates!! Arrggghhhh. Which in turn prompted me to get out the Pinaud VIBR I had under my bathroom sink buried in the back. Suddenly I had a new respect for the scent. On workdays (I'm blue collar) I had been using Clubman. But I wanted something better more refined than the Pinaud bay rum as I found VIBR just a little too strong. I found Master's at Sally's Beauty supply and I think that stuff is pretty damn good. Mellow. Then some research led me to more manufacturers and Ogallala which absolutely blew me away. Smelling nice led me to more grooming/facial care and then wanting a good shave before treating my skin.
A good shave? I can do that! I already have the equipment and the know how....I used to do it everyday I've just been slacking lately and switched to every other day and rushing through it. So now here I am back on a forum after all these years and back to being deep into DE shaving and all its little guilty pleasures. I have now switched from C.O. Bigelow shave cream which I have used from the start (actually I used Prorasso first...same) to soap; and after my VDH Deluxe runs out I'm sure I will try something else, Most likely Mikes as i have my eye on that. I got a new brush and after using Derby blades since the start (after my initial sample pack) I just ordered a 10 pack each of Astra's and Feathers. I will be testing these shaves and probably switching blades soon. I remember really liking Feathers years ago but found them too expensive compared to Derby. Looking around now they seem reasonable. But I hear good things about Atra's so I'm field testing.
But here I am back in full force. Not that I ever left as I have been DE shaving all along but I just sort of lost interest. Now I am like a beginner again and everyday is like Christmas!!! Strange how these things happen. And it was all from a chance tour of a perfume factory and my love of the Carribean and the Bay Rum connection.
Which reminds me, I just placed another order with Ogallala also. Next up....Captains Choice. Yes and don't forget Mikes soap.
Yea...I got it bad.....again!
