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its blasphemy

im sure its considered blasphemy to the shaving community but i think im going to stop using a brush and cream to make my lather. i have been slowly moving away from it for the last year. for the logest time i was using a brush and cream c.o. bigelow, aos, geo trumper, and now im using tobs. i love the tobs its so awesome. anyway, i stopped using the brush and cream method because the water where i work is so hard that it makes making lather difficult. the water at my house isnt hard at all so my water to cream ratio was always different making my cream inconsistant. i have been using barbasol at work for the last year. i shave for 3 days at work then come home and only really shave at home once when i have to go back to work. since i have been only using my brush and cream once a week my lather has started to suck and my shave isnt as comfy. i have just decided to stay with barbasol and thats that. i will still keep my brush and cream for when im feeling funky.
Why not try using some bottled water for your At Work shaves? It should certainly help with the lather. Though, I can understand the frustration of insufficent lather and a poor shave as a result. And Barbasol does have a nice smell. Just tossing you some ideas...
Why not try using some bottled water for your At Work shaves? It should certainly help with the lather. Though, I can understand the frustration of insufficent lather and a poor shave as a result. And Barbasol does have a nice smell. Just tossing you some ideas...


You wouldn't even have to buy it. Just take an empty milk jug or any other container, fill it up at home, and bring it to work. If you just use that water for making lather, it should last awhile.
Well, then you'd be doing it like 99% of the guys you know and like most DE shavers just before the carts came out. No harm there...

Were I to do that I'd make sure I continued using moisturing face soap, WH, and a good AS to keep my skin pretty.
Well, I endure hard water daily and soft water is a treat I encounter when away from home. It is hard to keep teh razor shining. However, I wouldn't consider canned lather these days.
One thing struck me when you mentioned inconsistency of your lather and that is your are probably over hydrating the cream. Start with a dryer brush and add moisture as you need it. That is usually the best method. I do get it wrong occasionally.
You can still use the brush...maybe the cheapest one you've got.
It helps to raise the whiskers and beats spreading the lather with your hands...less messy at least
You should do whatever is working best for you. That's the whole point of B&B: to find out what works best for each of us. The great thing about a product like Barbasol is it's unaffected by water quality. There's no law that says you must use a soap and brush to get a great shave, but you don't have to abandon it entirely either. Like you said, keep it around for when you feel like using it.
yea i know all about ymmv lol. the main reason i posted about it was because i was convincing myself that when i post about it on here, its official.
This is mostly what I've been doing for the last four months. I've posted about it a few times, too.

I have a tight morning schedule and giving up the brush saves me a valuable minute or two. A gain in convenience at the cost of a loss in "luxury" and some lather quality.

The nice part is that you can still use your creams without the brush.
You can still use the brush...maybe the cheapest one you've got.
It helps to raise the whiskers and beats spreading the lather with your hands...less messy at least
I love my brushes too much to give them up. For me, the brush is essential to a good shave.
Hey I say if it works for you no worries man... You don't necessarily have to go full tilt to enjoy the shave! :thumbup:
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