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Its been a year

Well it has been over a year since I joined the forum and I would like to share my thoughts thus far. I have used up only 4 tubs and then parts of others. The four that I have used up have been TOBS rose, proraso green, Castle Forbes Lime, and Trumpers Violet. All were excellent and I would order all of them again. In fact I just ordered another Rose as I need to have that in my rotation. I also just ordered D.R. Harris Arlington soap (I haven't tried it yet). I have used Tabac regularly, it just seems like I hardly make a dent in the stuff. I also really like Vintage Blade's house branded soap. I have tried numerous others but I have to say thus far TOBS rose has been my favorite. Some that I wouldn't order again, Musgo Real, Proraso White, Institut Karit, TOBS avacado, Evelyn Crabtree Sienna, Kiss my face Patcheli, and a few others I can't remember. I guess what I am trying to say is if I could only pick one cream to use it would be TOBS rose and only one soap it would have to be Vintage Blade House Brand. I would be interested in knowing what your one go to cream and soap would be.


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That's a difficult thing to do, stick to one item... There are so many good products out there!
Right now my go-to soap is Omega. It's sort of a "my first love" kind of deal. I have a feeling that my next go-to will be the MWF that I just got in the mail. I dig the feel of it, and the scent is doable.
I haven't tried a huge variety of products, maybe 1/2 dozen.

If I had to choose from those, it would be Musgo Real SC and Tabac. (Close second is EJ Seabuckthorn - I'm in love with that scent!)
Hmm, let's see... If I had to keep only one soap it would be Tabac, no doubt. I'm more of a cream kind of guy so in that case I would basically stick to Musgo Real and Dovo Eucalyptus (Irisch Moos comes just behind!).
Haven't narrowed it down to what my one soap and one cream would be yet, though I really like tallow soaps at the moment.

However, I can say which ones I won't be returning to and they include Caswell-Massey creams and soaps and AOS creams so far.
It's been a year for me (on B&B) as well. I have just about settled into one soap and one cream.

My soap is Prairie Creations Lavender EO (but I'll probably order the EO blend for the summer). I have Pre de Provence as a travel option and MB Awakenings that I use occasionally, but may not reorder.

My cream is CO Bigelow. I primarily use this to shave my head. Over the winter, I may switch to Musgo Real. Currently, I have no other cream (samples notwithstanding).
Tabac, and surprisingly enough Tom's of Maine Calendula. Sad it's been discontinued, I keep putting off stocking up off Amazon and one day it'll all be gone I'm sure.
You're going to really really like the DR Harris Arlington (I think). I have been using a sample of this stuff in the last couple of weeks. Dr Harris Arlington is TOP notch. I swear I have yet to make a lather as quick and as comfortable as I have with Arlington. Never reading any reviews on the cream I didn't know what to expect with it but I was pleasantly surprised with it's performance.

Another cream I really liked and will be buying to add to my rotation along with Arlington is going to be TOBS Jermyn St. I really really liked the scent on this one and the lather was top notch once you get the water/product ratio on point. This stuff smelled so good while shaving I didn't want to stop making passes.

To answer your question, I would have to say as far as performance I would go to Arlington for my cream. I'm still going through samples trying to find one that performs as well as Arlington (even tried Penhaligons Opus) and still haven't found anything that has come close. I think you're going to like it. Let me know what you think once you receive it.
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