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It's Been A While

It has been a while since I was on here. Also it has been a while since I shaved with my DE. Over the past 6 months we have started getting ready to move, I relocated for a month and a half before we moved, we have moved and are now getting settled in. While I went ahead of my wife I stayed at a church members house. I did not take my shaving stuff since I did not know if I would have my own bathroom or not. I used some disposable blades. After a few weeks it started to hurt. So I went through them fast. Once we moved I would wake up in just enough time to shower and shave really quick with a Gillette Fusion Power Glide or some other form of "new" razor. I finally couldn't take it any more. I have changed my routine to get ready to work and I now leave me enough time to use my Feather All Stainless Safety Razor with either a Feather blade or a Red Personna blade. I have missed it and I know my face now loves me again.

I do have a few questions since it has been a while since I have used my safety razor:

1.) Does it matter if I take my blade out every day and let it air dry as well as clean my razor?
2.) I use Jeris Osage Rub and Pinaud Clubman After Shave Lotion after I shave. I love the smell of the Pinaud Clubman. I am a sucker for a good barber shop smell. This might be a crazy question, but is there any cologne that has a barber shop smell?
Welcome back! I don't take my blade out until I'm ready to change it. I'm getting a layer of build-up on the razor, but I don't have the time to clean it after every use.
I leave the blade in the razor until it's time to change it. If you read the instructions that came with older razors like the Gillette New, New Improved, and so on, you'll see that they advise removing the blades, wiping everything dry, and then reassembling the razor. But, you have to remember this was back when blades were made from carbon steel. There's no reason to wipe dry your stainless steel blades, but it probably wouldn't hurt to do so. I don't think it will actually help.

I can't help you with the barber shop smell. Whenever I think of an old barber shop, I think, "musty."
1.) Does it matter if I take my blade out every day and let it air dry as well as clean my razor?

Only if it's carbon steel which will rust very quickly if left wet.

2.) I use Jeris Osage Rub and Pinaud Clubman After Shave Lotion after I shave. I love the smell of the Pinaud Clubman. I am a sucker for a good barber shop smell. This might be a crazy question, but is there any cologne that has a barber shop smell?

There are lots of scents that people equate with the old-time barbershops. For me, it's Pinaud Clubman and Master Bay Rum. Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum is also a very nice, old-time scent.
I take the blade out and dry it as well as the razor and then put it back in. I don't see leaving it out to air dry doing any harm.
Welcome back! I don't take my blade out until I'm ready to change it. I'm getting a layer of build-up on the razor, but I don't have the time to clean it after every use.


I clean the razor after removing the blade (which in my case is every seven days... Feathers are great...). No damage whatsoever.
I, like most of the guys so far, leave the blade in the razor. I just make sure to shake well the razor to remove excess of water after I clean it.

Concerning the scent... sadly, there are very few barber shops in my country. There is one barber shop where I get my hair cut (no way I'm letting them shave me with an electric razor haha) but I know they use (yes, this is weird) Jean Nate lotion. So, to me, Jean nate smells like barber shop haha.
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