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Item of the Week 9/30 - Cartridge Razor and/or Canned Creme


Needs milk and a bidet!
Hello to all.

This will be the thirty second in a series of "item of the week" threads that I am promoting in the general shave discussion forum.
The rules:

  1. It is very simple. Use the item of the week for the week that it is scheduled and post your thoughts on that item in its thread.
  2. Everything else in your shave line-up may be rotated at will, but keep the featured item of the week as part of each shave.
  3. The weeks will start on Monday and end on Saturday. Sunday could be a free day, or an overlap day for the next week or whatever.

The thirty second featured item of the week will be Cartridge Razor and/or Canned Creme

With some trepidation....went to the vintage English Leather aerosol shave cream in travel size.
Not really an aerosol, more like a no-lather cream with a bit of aeration, and a musty smell vaguely similar to EL.
Altho admittedly over thirty years old!
Boosted by a prep with Musgo Glyce, I used the Feather AC for the first pass, which took off perhaps half of the stubble.

And, mea culpa, I broke down and used some QCS Caymen soap with the Mach 3 for a second pass and cleanup!

Finished off with EL A/S, which was nice but somewhat drying, so added a dab of the EL AS balm.

Altogether, a close and clean shave, no irritation, and certainly improved by not a small amount of cheating!

$english leather-comp sep 2013.jpg
I have too many soaps and creams. And I don't have a Trac II handle (I got some Wilkinson Trac II/Atra blades 10/$1 at walmart on clearance - Going to give them to dad since he still uses that).

I'll sit this one out.
When I saw that this was the upcoming IoTW, I thought to myself, "No way in hell am I doing this." Then, today I was in Target and I wound up with a can of Barbasol Aloe in my basket. I have a cartridge razor of some kind, with a few of the original carts left from when I bought it. I'll do this, but only for 9/30. On 10/1 I'll be taking part in both RazoRocktober and OCtober. Unless, of course, I get a BBS from the cart and canned goo. :scared:
I originally thought that your "use it for a week" concept might be interesting, but this one, calling to use proven junk, is beyond consideration.



Needs milk and a bidet!
This may very well end up being the most entertaining Item of the Week threads yet. :lol:
I think this is quite an IOTW.

I haven't shaved with a disposable razor for over 10 years but I am facing a scenario of needing a razor for 2-3 day business trips with only carry on luggage (specially prepped demo laptop etc.).

This would mean using a disposable razor instead of my '47 Aristocrat travel razor in checked baggage. I have bought a pack of two blade cheap ones and need to test drive one to determine if it is usable. I will try to make the test on Tuesday... No promises though...:wink2:
Nice! This is gonna be great. Maybe I will break out my Trac II and vintage menthol Noxema cream.

I will use my Trac II (I still use that now and then anyway), but with my regular soap. To be authentic, I'll use the Palmolive stick exclusively, because that (plus De Vergulde Hand) was what I used before I found out about B&B :001_smile

(this morning I used my Rocket HD though)
Well gang, I broke out the MIII this morning using my B&B Essential Boar and some Lait Frais D' Anesse Bio soap I picked up at Planet
Raisor while in Paris. I did my usual three pass shave and finished with some alum and AdP ASB. A little irritation on my neck but otherwise no problems. I'll know by lunch time how close a shave I got.
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