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Itchy for new brush- some suggestions desired

Okay, I read Doc's excellent sticky, so here we go...

Currently using a finest badger 21mm ShaveMac. Like it a lot. Maybe looking for something a bit softer; more luxorious.

I have a medium beard. Pretty easy to go BBS. Trickiest spots on sides of neck which always require touch up after third pass. Guess I have sensitive skin. Have periodic issues with scented creams.

Use creams 90%. Lather with a moss scuttle, so something very cream and scuttle friendly. Use a Merkur 34C Barberpole with Feather blades. Sometimes a Gillette Fatboy.

The grip on the ShaveMac is fine. Would not want anything with a smaller grip than the ShaveMac. Larger would be fine too. Not hung up on whether handle is a real or faux material. More interest in high quality brush; good with creams and scuttle. Don't want a big monster, but don't like the petite looking brushes.

I won't say money is no object, but if someone thinks a particular brush sounds ideal, throw it out there.
i want to hear suggestions and wouldn't blanch at $200 if someone thinks a particular brush is that good.
I love my daily shave and want to splurge a little on something that gives me a little kick start to my day.

Interest kind of piqued by the Simpson brushes but want see what some true brush heads toss out.

Had used a silvertip prior to the ShaveMac, but it was a kind of "no name" Nordstrom brush that was more about the nice silver grip than the badger I'd say. It was kind of floppy which made wonder if that was a silvertip trait, or just a "cheap no name silvertip" trait. It was okay, but prefer the ShaveMac finest over that one.

And oh... This will be my last brush purchase EVER.
I use a Vulfix 2234 in super badger, which is a larger, floppier brush. Like you, I use creams and a scuttle, and I bought this brush because it was recommended. It builds lather quickly with creams and really feels luxurious on the face. It costs about $80, so it's not cheap but also not expensive. This is the only brush I have ever used, so I actually have no basis of comparison. That said, I did a *lot* of research before settling on the Vulfix 2234, and I'm very happy with it.

I am about to make the first major change in my shaving routine. I am going to try my hand at face lathering, so I'm getting a soap stick (Speick) and a smaller, denser brush (Simpson Duke 2). I imagine that using the Duke 2 is going to be a completely different experience than using my Vulfix 2234. I can't wait to try it, but I'm sure I'll make some silly n00b mistakes at first. All part of the joy/art of shaving! :thumbup:
Shavemac Finest like Simpson best, often have some skritch to them. If you wanted something more luxurious I'd go with a well tuned silvertip or one of the softer two bands like M&F or possibly a Thater. Many generic brushes you find in department stores, Ebay, or even many entry level brushes from the big companies are marketed to the middle of the road shaver and tend to have very high lofts. The high lofts on these brushes often make them very floppy, and almost useless for any kind of face massage. Sure you can get a decent lather bowl lathering with them, but IMO a lower loft and some added backbone would help even here.

For what you are looking for, there are a lot of solid choices out there. If your looking to splurge, my personal favorite is Morris & Forndran blond badger. They are very soft, and have two band backbone so they are generally very scrubby while still being very luxurious. If you really like your Shavemac, a Shavemac Silvertip or even D01 might be a good choice for you as well. Bernd at Shavemac is very good at tuning a brush to your desires, and he ties his knots in a way as to give them a bit more backbone than some of his competitors brushes at the same loft. If you wanted another Shavemac I would stay away from the D01 two band, as it has some skritch as well.

Honestly though, if you wanted to get away with a lower cost brush, I think you would be perfectly happy with a TGN Silvertip Grade A knot, set in a handle made by one of the brush makers in the vendor/hobbyist section. TGN knots are as good as all but the highest end brushes IMO, and you get the bonus of picking out a the perfect handle for you. Take a look at some of the threads over there, I'm sure you will find something that gets your attention. Plus any of the makers can help you tune the loft on your brush to do exactly what you want.

Your going to get lots of good suggestions here, I just gave some of my favorites. Good luck!
Last brush ever eh?!?!?!?

I was going to recommend the Kent BK8 to you but since you are thinking about a brush to end all brushes I would have to jump to the Da Vinci 290.

The Da Vinci is the only brush I have ever used that might fall into that magic ONE AND ONLY brush. I own a LOT of brushes so it takes something extraordinary to make me say something as foolish as this.


I recommend either a Simpsons Duke 3 in 2-band or Chubby 2 in 2 band. The latter is about $200 (e.g., from Westcoastshaving.com) whereas the Duke 3 is a bit less. Other vendors to consider are Shaving.ie (in Ireland) or Bullgooseshaving.com. It may also be worthwhile checking out two Canadian vendors, italianbarber.com and Fendrihan's. This is not an exhaustive list of vendors as others may also carry Simpsons in 2-band.

Either brush will provide the softness of 2-band badger hair as well as the backbone of a nicely packed, dense knot with a short-lofted bulb shape. Either of these brushes could easily be the last brush you will ever need.

Good Luck!
Last brush ever eh?!?!?!?

I was going to recommend the Kent BK8 to you but since you are thinking about a brush to end all brushes I would have to jump to the Da Vinci 290.

The Da Vinci is the only brush I have ever used that might fall into that magic ONE AND ONLY brush. I own a LOT of brushes so it takes something extraordinary to make me say something as foolish as this.



This is the first thing i'm getting at 00:00:00 on December 25.
Last brush ever eh?!?!?!?

I was going to recommend the Kent BK8 to you but since you are thinking about a brush to end all brushes I would have to jump to the Da Vinci 290.

The Da Vinci is the only brush I have ever used that might fall into that magic ONE AND ONLY brush. I own a LOT of brushes so it takes something extraordinary to make me say something as foolish as this.



Turtle, that is one beautiful brush. Where did you get yours?
I also want to move up to an EXtremely nice brush, but Ive convinced myself that Im going to have to wait until I get somewhere that has a selection right on hand. I have specs of such a device in mind...but Im not going to go thru all the rig-a-maroll buying and selling and ( most probably losing my butt on) various HIGH $$ brushed to weed out the ones that dont suit me.
If they were $9.95 each Id just order up 6 or so to start....but when you are talking a brush thats $140 AND UP.....many ( far too many) dealers with just say NO-NO...no returns ( and I cant really blame them)

But I'll be somewhere...someplace someday that has a good selection and when I try the feel of it dry on my face...I'll know...and WHAM...the old VISA card will hit the counter top!!
Thanks for all the suggestions guys. @Loric, right on with loft on generic department store brushes. It looked cool with the nice grip, but the bristles always looked like a wet stray dog after the first use.

Turtle, you're channeling me pretty well. That Davinci looks nice, but the Kent BK8 seems pretty dead on by looks, price and other reviews I see of it.

The "last brush ever" was more or less a joke based on Doc's sticky about how to ask for brush tips. We're all nuts. There is no such thing as "last ever." But whatever I buy will be meant to get heavy use for quite awhile. I move more slowly on the shave gear AD...fragrance is my weakness.
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Turtle, you're channeling me pretty well. That Davinci looks nice, but the Kent BK8 seems pretty dead on by looks, price and other reviews I see of it.

My BK8 and Da Vinci 290 are a dead heat for the best bowl lathering brush I own.

you could not go wrong getting either of them.

I agree with turtle, either a Da vinci 290 or a Kent BK8. I have them both and they are both top of the line brushes. I use them for soaps and creams but I think that either of these two are the best cream brushes I have ever owned. I think that feelunique.com is the best place for the Kent brushes and promakeupbrush.com/shaving
is the place for the Da vinci brushes. Both places are excellent vendors. Good luck, you will enjoy either of these fine brushes.


Thanks all. Kent BK8 it is!

Jus wanted to update that my Kent BK8 came in yesterday and I took for a drive this morning. Wonderful brush. Exactly what I was looking for. Softer than my ShaveMac and a lather holding beast. Thanks to all of you for chiming in with suggestions.

Anxioulsy awaiting tomorrows shave in a way only B&B types could understand. Showed it to the canned goo crowd at work who are baffled by such a purchase. The velvet-lined leather-wrapped container is a very since over-the-top touch I'd say...

I tend to wonder too if the softer bristles might help with the occasional face sensitivy issues I have too. The cool thing about an AD like this is that just when you think your shave is a good as it's going to get, you find it can be better. Wow. Nice brush.

Not sure what to try next..probably be in the razor section....
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