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It was twenty (nine) years ago today


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd

Time flies.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Wow. Not one Beatles fan. Not even johhniegold. :bored:
I still remember the moment when it was announced on a local radio station. We were in an arcade. The DJ was obviously in tears and pretty much choked it out. All activity at the game machines stopped as people took it in.
It really was a shame. The thing that surprises me, for some reason I thought he was killed before I was born. I guess I never paid any attention to the date before.
Wow. Not one Beatles fan. Not even johhniegold. :bored:

Sorry, Jay. I was over at Amazon, buying the stereo box set. :001_smile
John wasn't my favorite Beatle, but nevertheless a big part of what made the group work, and an undeniable talent. I was very sad the day he died.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
He spent more time as an ex-Beatle than as a Beatle ... and more time than both as a deceased Beatle. :blink:

... yet those golden days of the 60s and interesting days of the 70s still enchant us.
... yet those golden days of the 60s and interesting days of the 70s still enchant us.

The music was amazing. Hearing Lennon's song "Mind Games" on the radio back in '73 or so was what got me really interested in music. Later, I wore out the red and blue Beatles double album compilations. I feel sorry for kids today, with nothing on the radio to listen to.
I was at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland several years ago when the primary display was that of the one John Lennon. I saw the glasses he was wearing. I saw the brown paper bag full of the clothes he was wearing (as stored by the Police). There was a phone there awaiting a call from Yoko to speak with whoever was there when it rang. It didn't ring while I was there. In conclusion, the gravity of the loss of this man did not hit me until that day.
I used to live near the Dakota and the Strawberry Fields memorial in Central Park and on the anniversary of his death, there was always a crowd gathered in the park singing and placing roses on the plaque.
I remember that I was 10 years old when the news broke, along with my heart. I thought the Beatles were super heros. It was hard to comprehend at that age how someone could do such a thing. I suppose we would all be considered fortunate to leave such a legacy in such a short amount of time. In honor of Lennon, my fourth child was born on this day. He is nine today. Number 9, number 9. Do you have any idea how hard that is to coordinate?:tongue_sm
I was at my girlfriend's house. Her parents heard it over the news. We were all shocked. I wondered "Why?" "Double Fantasy" had just been released and I liked what I'd heard. It was like starting over - like the song said.
I wasn't quite 5 years old when this tragedy occurred. At the time I remember my parents and many of their friends were saddened by the news but at such a young age it didn't really mean much to me. As I grew older I also became a fan of The Beatles and learned what an impact they had on the music industry. It was a tragedy indeed.
I know I'm straying slightly ot here but for those old enough to remember; who's death was the biggest shock Elvis or Lennon? I asked my friend who is Liverpool born and bred when Michael Jackson died and was surprised when he said Elvis.
I remember it being on the news but it didn't mean much to me. I was not and am still not a fan. It was a terrible event that deprived a man of his life, a wife of her husband and a child of his father.
Also it ment when Yoko sang we could hear it clearly without John to drown her out. Some may argue this was the greater tradegy.
I remember it being on the news but it didn't mean much to me. I was not and am still not a fan. It was a terrible event that deprived a man of his life, a wife of her husband and a child of his father.
Also it ment when Yoko sang we could hear it clearly without John to drown her out. Some may argue this was the greater tradegy.

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