AT LAST!! Someone to take up the mantle of official B&B LOLcatter now that ClubmanRob has departed. We are all in your debt, sir!
I don't presume to replace Rob the Clubman, I'm merely posting in his spirit. Take care, ClubmanRob, where ever you now hang your hat.![]()
IT is intense and building momentum. No one will miss IT's arrival!
IT must know the anguish IT's causing. Is IT the happiest sadist?
Nope. But it is coming.![]()
One can hope that it is a sabbatical, and that we will see his smiling face again.
It's no fun talking Pinaud without our "Grand Marshall" of Vegetal, ClubmanRob....
I sure hope he reappears someday.... the place just ain't the same without him...I wonder if he realises witch hazel has 14% alcohol in it???
Marty E.
IT must know the anguish IT's causing. Is IT the happiest sadist?
maybe if we start asking complicated aftershave and/or Pinaud questions, he will not be able to resist coming back to answer......hmmm......
AT LAST!! Someone to take up the mantle of official B&B LOLcatter now that ClubmanRob has departed. We are all in your debt, sir!