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It burns me bad!

I just got a new bottle of Ogallala Bay Rum aftershave. I love the soap so I bought the aftershave to try it. Unfortunately when I applied it to my face it burned me pretty bad. It lit me up like a Christmas tree and two days later my face was peeling. After talking with John at Ogallala, I decided that maybe I hadn't shaken the bottle well enough. So this morning, four days after the first try, I tried again. Same result. This is the first time I have had a bad reaction to any shave product. Anyone had the same experience with Ogallala? Any other thoughts as to why this happened?
First used it w/out shaking and got a super burn, but it went down to "full burn" thereafter (about 5 seconds worth). Nothing like your symptoms though, so I suspect an allergic reaction to a component.
Strange. I get no burn at all from Ogallala. That's one that I reach for when my skin is on the border between wanting and not wanting a balm when I've got a mild sun or windburn.
You probably have "sensitive skin", which means you get a negative reaction to one or more chemicals. The experience of others won't necessarily help you if that's the case and I doubt shaking the bottle or other such voodoo will do much either.

I couldn't find the ingredients list online, just a description that leans on the tiring "cowboys who wore this in the 1800s got the dance hall girls" theme (Can we move on?) so I'd say to steer clear of this stuff...

What is your experience with other aftershaves?
You might be sensitive to heavy clove bay rums. I had the same reaction to Ogallala, although not as serious, I didn't get any skin peeling. But I would splash on, feel no burn for a few seconds, then get a gradually increasing burn that lit my whole face on fire, red skin and numb lips. It took about 45-60 seconds to subside, but my skin was fine after that.

Dominica original and lime work much better for my skin, mostly just get a slight alcohol sting most of the time for only a few seconds, nothing like Ogallala.
Aftershave shouldn't burn. You might get a tingle or a little sting from an alcohol aftershave, but it shouldn't burn. If it does, you shouldn't use it. There's something in there that your skin doesn't like.
You're probably not sensitive. You had a close or harsh shave and it is a crappy product. Most bay rums burn like hell. Trash it.
I have never had that effect from Ogallala products, and I have many of them. I suspect an allergic reaction, perhaps coupled with a bad shave and some irritation.
Thanks for your replies. John and I are still talking about this because he sent me two samples and one of the samples turns out to be very good for me. Trouble is, it is supposed to be aftershave also. My suspicion has turned to the idea that I may have been sent cologne by mistake (labeled incorrectly). John is on the road and he hasn't had a chance to reply to this theory yet. I share this not to highlight his possible mistake, but to state that he has been patient and has been doing all he can to make it right with me. I appreciate the customer service he has given me so far. I'm sure this will wind up working out okay.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I don't use aftershave, but I've had skin reactions to creams that don't bother other people.

I think you've suffered enough - give it away or sell it.
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