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Issue with Super Adjustable

This is my '73 Super Adjustable I got about a few months ago, and have not shaved with. The reason is that it looks like the blade gap is uneven on one side. It's most obvious (to me anyways) when its set on 7, which is what its set on in the picture. I hope I'm just seeing things, because I'd really love to try this razor out, I just don't want to chew my face up in the process. It's strictly a user-grade razor otherwise, with quite a few flea bites on the head. But the adjuster clicks nice and solid, and the lock-down knob works perfectly, too.

Looks pretty slight to me and although it may not be perfect I don't think it's going to chew your face up! I would say shave with it and enjoy yourself. If it was worse I would say take a screwdriver to it and adjust the gap as is posted on several threads on these forums but I'm not sure it needs it.

We'll see what other people think and post.
Looks OK to me. If you got hold of a 'feeler'guage you could check the gap. I'd just go with it. Set on 1 and work my way up. See how you get on.
It is very slight, and really only noticeable on one or two settings (7, and maybe 8). I might just give it a shot tomorrow, and use the same settings I use on my Slim (6, 5, 4) and see what happens.
This happens and sometimes worse on the gilette adjustables. There is a part of the razor head that you have to push down on from time to time to even it out. The "buck tooth" part of the side of the razor where the safety bar is higer up. You can grab it with your thumb nail. Sometimes this process fixes it completely.
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