I was looking at this vintage razor on ebay, but noticed some details that didn't quite sit right.
First of all I don't believe that the box matches the razor as it has 'Platinum' written on it and the razor doesn't have 'Platinum' on the shank (I think the Platinum J.A. Henckels have that).
In of itself not that big a deal if its not the original box, but this got me looking a bit closer. I ended up finding this razor http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=102090&highlight=HENCKELS that RetroGrouch sold back in '09 (on B&B) and noticed some small differences. Such as on one side of the shank RetroGrouch's razor had 'TWINS' surrounded by the twin symbols with traces of red (ink? dye? whatever) and the ebay one had 'TWIN' with no 'S' and no trace at all of the red.
All small issues I know, and im sure im just being paranoid, but seeing as this guy's asking basically double what RetroGrouch was asking for on his I thought I'd just check with the internet first.
While I'm picking your brains any comments in general about the razor and its condition etc. would be greatly appreciated
Also I'm completly new to this scene so if I've said anything overly noobish please forgive me.
Edit: added photos of the item I'm looking at, the link is just to an old post in B/S/T

First of all I don't believe that the box matches the razor as it has 'Platinum' written on it and the razor doesn't have 'Platinum' on the shank (I think the Platinum J.A. Henckels have that).

In of itself not that big a deal if its not the original box, but this got me looking a bit closer. I ended up finding this razor http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=102090&highlight=HENCKELS that RetroGrouch sold back in '09 (on B&B) and noticed some small differences. Such as on one side of the shank RetroGrouch's razor had 'TWINS' surrounded by the twin symbols with traces of red (ink? dye? whatever) and the ebay one had 'TWIN' with no 'S' and no trace at all of the red.

All small issues I know, and im sure im just being paranoid, but seeing as this guy's asking basically double what RetroGrouch was asking for on his I thought I'd just check with the internet first.
While I'm picking your brains any comments in general about the razor and its condition etc. would be greatly appreciated

Also I'm completly new to this scene so if I've said anything overly noobish please forgive me.
Edit: added photos of the item I'm looking at, the link is just to an old post in B/S/T
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