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Is this brush handle bakelite ?

Mementomori has inspired me and I am trying a brush restore.

Based upon some other reading and questions I had asked, I had assumed that the handle was Lucite

I separated the handle from the brush part and was cleaning the handle with some 400 grit wet-or-dry when I noticed a very pungeant odor.

Kinda reminded me of carbon-tet.

Then I recalled reading that one of the tests for bakelite was to rub it with your finger until it got hot and the smell was unmistakeable.

I still am not sure so I was going to get a small tube of semichrome poly to see what that does.

Any opinions and am I proceeding correctly ? The handle has what looks like tiny bubbles under the surface or very close to the surface. I was hoping that I could polish them and the other marks away.

Bakelite doesn't smell like carbon tet to me, that sounds more like lucite although I haven't gotten a really strong smell from the lucite handles I've worked on. Lucite is kind of a sweet sickly smell to me. I have never seen unpigmented bakelite or catalin, but it is possible. The scrubbing bubbles, 409 or pin test should work, although I've had the chemical tests fail on bakelite once in a while.

Whatever it is it should be lovely when you finish polishing up.
Bakelite doesn't smell like carbon tet to me, that sounds more like lucite although I haven't gotten a really strong smell from the lucite handles I've worked on. Lucite is kind of a sweet sickly smell to me. I have never seen unpigmented bakelite or catalin, but it is possible. The scrubbing bubbles, 409 or pin test should work, although I've had the chemical tests fail on bakelite once in a while.

Whatever it is it should be lovely when you finish polishing up.

I have to agree that I have never seen a clear/transparent bakelite... it looks more like lucite to me. But its a bit difficult to tell what it is from just a picture. You will know more after you do your tests.

I can just picture a black badger or some other very striking badger knot in that handle its gonna look awesome. :thumbup:
Try submerging the handle in hot water for a few seconds, then removing and smelling it. Most (but not all) bakelite will smell similar to carbolic acid or camphor. Lucite should not have an odor.
Quick summary:

camphor- celluloid
formaldehyde- bakelite or catalin (think high school biology dissections)
sweet but acrid smell- one of the newer plastics

scrubbing bubbles on q tip- will often turn yellow when rubbed on catalin
409 and simichrome- same as scrubbing bubbles
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