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Is this another video of the German 'Speed Shaver' ?

I just can't even imagine what my face would look like if I shaved the way he does. I'm much more careful and still get nicks once in a while.
Really? That looks about normal for me, except I don't tend to skip straight to ATG on my throat. I also sometimes do 3 passes, and often a few touch up passes to see how close a particular edge can get me.
The other video is way better, especially with the other one looking like it is set in a hostel basement.

I agree, but I didn't realize he had done another one. Still, that looks like it could be a 4/8 blade that he is using and no sign of a weeper that I saw?

I think the slow blues sound track makes it look slower, too ?
Wonder how fast he would be shaving to "Wipe Out" :lol:
Willi-Peter got critisized for the first video because there was a little blood when he cut a pimple. Because of that he made this video (it's not new) - and as it says in the title: "shave with a knife this time without blood".. . . .
From his past videos and his reputation where he lives..I heard he puts some great edges on blades...I can shave like he did...with a few extra nicks..but not in that few passes....lol
Willi-Peter got critisized for the first video because there was a little blood when he cut a pimple. Because of that he made this video (it's not new) - and as it says in the title: "shave with a knife this time without blood".. . . .

I guess anytime you put yourself up on YouTube you can expect criticism.....
Personally, he strikes me as being a deliberate man. I don't think he uses a tentative stroke with that straight.
I like to watch his stuff, myself. I hope he makes some more vids........
That's awesome! As a newcomer to straight shaving (haven't even had my first true shave, yet!), I can only aspire to such greatness. :straight:
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