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Is this a Gillette Big Fellow?

Sorry for the poor pics but I need your help. I have been trying to ID this one, is it a Gillette Big Fellow ??? Many thanks for your help
Thanks for the help, will have to get back on this once I have received it. Won the auction paid 1 EUR + freight so I hope it's worth it and that it will clean up nice.

Can you tell me anything about the performance for the single ring and big fellow?
from looking at the ratio of the width of the head to the length of the handle, it does look like a big fellow. I like the the heft of the big fellow. It is hard to tell from the pics about the flatness of the head, but in the first one, it does appear flat (space between the very top bit and the part where the blade sits on).

This does change the angle, making the big fellow slightly more aggressive.

In any case, even if it were a single ring, I would buy these all day long at 10 euros, let alone 1 euro. Looks like a nice deal on a nice vintage gillette. enjoy
I have now received this razor and did first round of cleaning. Quite a lot of plate loss but I guess it will still shave OK. Based on length I guess it's a single ring, it measures around 8 cm. I can find no labeling what so ever, does all of the singe ring have Gillette marked on them? Is this a copy/clone? Here are som pics if it can help
Thanks for the help, will have to get back on this once I have received it. Won the auction paid 1 EUR + freight so I hope it's worth it and that it will clean up nice.

Can you tell me anything about the performance for the single ring and big fellow?

Assuming they didn't attempt to make their profit on shipping, you got a good deal on a serviceable razor. Check where the handle screws into the head for cracks, if you don't find any, go ahead and carefully use it -- being sure not to over-tighten the handle.
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