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Is there anything I can do about a broken blade holder on a Gem 1912?

I recently picked this razor up and was all ready to use it.

Then I saw one of the blade holders is broken off. You can see on the right in the pic below.

So I guess that makes it useless?

Anyone know of anything I can do about it?

I'm not that worried about it, just thought I'd ask.


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I think I have seen it mentioned in other posts, that you could try putting a dab of JB Weld in the exact spot the blade stop needs to be. JB Weld is pretty tough stuff, so I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work.

Definitely worth a shot, as you basically have nothing to lose.
I used a dab of solder applied with a small butane torch, then shaped with a nail file. See this thread: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=169106

I don't consider this a permanent repair, but it works well enough to let me know that I want to look for another 1912. Still looking in antique shops and I don't want to spoil the fun of finding one in the wild, so no need for replacement offers.

Edit: I just used the solder I had, but I guess it would be better to use a harder, higher melting point jewelry type solder.
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Thanks guys, I'll have to give that a try.

I don't have a torch so I will probably try the JB Weld first.

I took a quick look online, there seems to be quite a few different kinds of JB Weld.

Anyone have a suggestion of what to go with? I've never used it.

Have you tried a blade in it yet? It's possible there is just enough metal to keep it locked in place. I have had several types of SE razors with the clips broken off, and most of them were still able to keep the blade positioned.
You could also try a dab of epoxy putty and file it down. Personally I'd look for one in better shape. There are lots of them out there with no brassing for under $10 on ebay.
Have you tried a blade in it yet? It's possible there is just enough metal to keep it locked in place. I have had several types of SE razors with the clips broken off, and most of them were still able to keep the blade positioned.

No, I haven't.

Just looked like it wouldn't work.

Next time I bring a new blade out I'll give it a try.
I bought a Micromatic with this same issue. I could barely feel a bump where the blade holder should be but it would still hold a blade. It made me nervous using it so my long term fix was to get another micromatic. Now the damaged one is polished up and hanging in display. A quick eBay search for GEM 1912 found three for under $10. A check of your local flea market might find one for less. My first 1912 I got at a yardsale for just a couple of dollars. The guy even threw in a boxed razor hone. I think fewer people think of these SE razors as usable. Most at least recognize a DE as something they or their father used years ago. The SEs look alien. Good luck finding one or repairing the other. The 1912 is still my favorite razor. It just felt natural to me from day one.
Take a day and visit as many antique malls as you can. I tend to finds lots of them at these stores, I probably have at least 15 of these and they are plentiful and cheap.:thumbup:
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