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Is there an ADA...

There needs to be an ADA- Acquisition Disorder Anonymous!

Hello, my name is Joe, and I have AD.

I can't seem to stay off of B&B and all the other retailer's sites. I convinced my wife that I needed to start DE shaving to save money! She rolls her eyes whenever the mail comes now and there is a box.
I'm a new guy here, but I believe I can feel your pain. Try and look at your affliction from a different perspective though, being addicted to DEs and other shaving goodies is hell of a lot cheaper than being a car junkie, golf fiend, guitar collector, or a crack head for that matter.

Whenever things arrive at my door step and my wife gets to it before I can, I just tell her to count her blessings for two reasons, 1) we have money for such goodies, and 2) it's not a baby.:wink:
Well I don't know about helping AD. On the other note instead of doing trial and error on supplies check the review section
Just go with it man. What the hey, you could be into something lots more expensive. This is a pretty safe hobby that doesn't hurt anyone else. :biggrin: :001_rolle
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Joe, I have implemented a twelve step program to help people such as yourself who are suffering from AD. The first step, obviously, is to...Ooh! gotta go! I hear the mailman coming! :lol:
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The ADA already exists, but it's not what you think. It called the Acquisition Decision Authority, which is the enabling body of the B&B.

ADA (All Disclaimers Apply)
Hello, my name is Joe, and I have AD.

(All in unison) Hello, Joe!

You're doomed.



-- John Gehman
The truth behind Acquisition Disorder is that the only real cure is to simply go out and buy some vintage razors and shave with them every chance you get, no one ever talks about doing this but it really does work, trust me, I wouldn't lie, if you do it long enough then you get to a point where you, uh, sort of, just keep doing it, see? simple. bc


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Could be a lot worse . . . watches, fountain pens, vintage motorcycles. Please don't ask how I know this.
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