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Is It Worth Doing?

I have just started collecting vintage safety razors. I kind of have an addiction to collecting things as I have collections of wrist watches, pocket knives, duck calls, vintage flyrods and fly reels, vintage rifle scopes, vintage reloading dies; so, why not vintage safety razors?

I have found a couple of places via the internet that will completely repair, restore, replate, sterilize and refurbish a safety razor for around $50. I would like to do this for maybe one or two of my razors and actually use them, and then just keep the others for collecting. My questions are, is this a good idea? Is it worth it? Am I just wasting my money? Do these places do a good job? Have any of you used this type of service? Your advice will be greatly appreciated.
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Will it make you happy?
Is it something you find useful?
Can you afford it?

These are usually the questions I ask myself. Sometimes two yeses is enough.:001_tongu

Personally I don't find the use in refurbishing a razor for the sake of just making it look good. I think that for collection sake they should stay as original as possible. Of course YMMV. However, my 1963 Slim is on it's way to Krona Kruiser to be replated. This is the one I use the most, and it's missing some finish in key areas. I figure that if I'm really going to use it often I should have it in the best shape possible.
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