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Is it my routine?

Good Morning All! So for a long time I've been doing the wet shave technique without a DE (just using a mach 3). I received my Dreadnought DE on Monday and had my first DE shave on Tuesday. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but I definitely need more practice (looked a bit patchy under the chin and such). My face was fairly irritated that day, so when I shaved again today I changed things up a little figuring it was the routine. Here's what I do: Shower, rinse face with hot water, put on a hot towel for 1 minute (after 1 min it's usually pretty cooled off), splash my face with some more hot water, add a pre shave oil, then lather up. I shave WTG, XTG, put on another coating of oil then go ATG to get close since I have a very stiff and thick beard. I rinse with cold water, use an alum block to seal everything up, rinse with cold water again then put on aftershave. I'm noticing a considerable amount of razor burn and skin irritation throughout the day since I started shaving with a DE. Am I doing something wrong? I don't go over each spot more than once per pass and only use the weight of the razor. Is this going to go away? Any advice would be really greatly appreciated. -Ben
Apart from a good prer, technique and proper blade angle are the most important aspects in preventing shave burn and irritation.

Some just have hyper sensistive skin and thus, an ATG pass might not be recommended for them. If this is your case, you can still get pretty good shaves with only WTG and XTG passes if you have good technique.

You'll get the hang of it. Practice makes perfect ;)
It's probably your ATG pass combined with inexperience. First, skip the ATG pass all together. After you can get a good shave going WTG and XTG without irritation, try adding an ATG pass. If the irritation returns, then you'll know that ATG is just something your face can't handle. Lots of people can't shave ATG including me.
Once you have damaged the skin to the degree it hurts, you have to let it heal. Trying to keep shaving and go easy doesn't work. That's my experience, and I think the same for most people. Skip a weekend, whatever you can, and let your skin get better.

For what it is worth, I don't have the toughest skin, but do have tough whiskers and heavy beard. I can do three passes but get away with two because I'm lazy and it doesn't show. That is, I do two passes except for about the bottom third or quarter of my neck. If I were you, I would do as little as I needed to get a socially acceptable shave, and then try for better later on. In the meantime, keep working on fundamentals.

About all the products. If you are the type to have reactions to stuff, even just redness from contact, take a systematic look at the products you are using. Personally, I don't get it with all the products because I am a shower and shave guy and soap and brush and aftershave is it. Use what you need or what you enjoy, of course, but make sure nothing among your soft goods is the problem.
I would also pay attention to blade angle and pressure. You may very well be scraping rather than shaving.
I went through pretty much the same thing. Things will get better in time. I do 3-4 pass DE razor shaves everyday now with little, if any, irritation. Give the muscles in your hands time to develop some memory and touch.... and the irritation will go away eventually.

Thanks for the replies everyone. I read all of them and decided to go very light on the razor today. I think it was definitely the pressure; very little weight on the razor and it still cut like a dream. A lot less irritation today as well. I'll keep practicing and checking to see if anything I'm using is also irritating my face. I would absolutely love to take a day off, but for the nex few months, I have to have a close shave every day. Thanks again for your time gents!
Until you're solid with your technique I'd skip the ATG pass. Also, make sure you're not using too much pre-shave oil, 2-3 drops. I also skipped all the warm towels and such and use cold water shaving. I end my shower with a cold rinse that seems to stand my hair up and tighten the skin down.
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