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Iphone 5...whatever it is now


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
So the new Iphone went on sale here a bit over twelve hours ago. And some people bought it. Probably a lot, but I didn't get up early enough to check.

One of those people was the tech-head at my work, and he is chuffed, showing me the slowmo on the video and... other things it apparently does. I spaced out, but I did hear him say he would sell me his IP5 at a pretty good price, given that it has a 64gb HD, and so on, and so forth. I had been ready to jump ship to the new sony, but this allows me to keep my apps (I still have a 3gs, and swore I would not get rid of it until it broke or got stolen. I hate waste like that, but...)

Who here is getting the new one, likes the last one, or yearns for the days when you kept 20c in your pocket, just in case you needed to make a call?

Warning! You are entitled to you opinion on what you choose to buy. Please, no fanboy comments or being mean to people who queue up for different stuff to you.
You know, since I posted I'm thinking I'd like to try one.
I've only ever had a Blackberry or this phone I have now.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I never quite understood what a fanboy was? If this qualifies sorry!

Anyway, I have had an iPhone since the first in 2007, over the years since then I have also had a Blackberry Bold and an HTC Evo.

I don't think nothing will ever compete with the Blackberry Bold IMO, it was a workhorse, nothing fancy, physical keyboard was awesome it was my best phone ever. Blackberry just became an outdated name.

What lured me back and forth between the iPhone was just how simple everything worked, all the great apps, and of course the cool factor.

I got the HTC Evo on a deal through my job at the time, pay for the phone and the monthly service was free. I used it for a good 2 months. I felt it was way to big to fit in my pocket comfortably - where I carry all my phones. I also felt like there was just way to much going on with Android. I felt like I had to go through 20 (exaggeration) menus just to change my ring tone or find a specific setting I wanted to change.

With the iPhone it was a lot more simple. Granted it was a lot less customizable but everything that you would NEED to change is there. And you get a better app store IMO, every app needs to be approved by Apple.

I've also read that the iPhone retains it's resell value better than any other phone. in some cases 30% better.
And I can vouch for that. Since 2007 I've never had to "pay" for a new upgrade. I've always sold my old phone for 50-150 more than the price of the upgrade ($199).
I don't have the new 5s yet, but will be in line for one. My main reason for upgrading are the features of the new phone and for the 4G network.

My first and only smart phone was the 4s and except for the small screen I like it. The resale value of the 4s is pretty good. The only issue I had with the phone was that one year ago it started to act strangely (would not load properly, was very slow, etc.) I contacted Verizon about the issue and they were going to send me a replacement phone. Well, it seems my phone learned that it would no longer have a nice home to live in and corrected it's behavior in two days (Friday and Sunday) before the new phone was sent. I cancelled the order and since then it has worked perfectly.

I downloaded the new iOS7 and thought it improved the phone's performance.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
I have a 4s and will attempt the upgrade today. I'm not waiting in any long lines and will go to the apple store at lunch time. If it is sold out, I'll just pick it up later. No need to rush. I'm in it for the bigger screen and the LTE network.
If the price point is good, a jump from a 3GS to a 5 will be a fantastic upgrade for you at a very limited investment.
So the new Iphone went on sale here a bit over twelve hours ago. And some people bought it. Probably a lot, but I didn't get up early enough to check.

One of those people was the tech-head at my work, and he is chuffed, showing me the slowmo on the video and... other things it apparently does. I spaced out, but I did hear him say he would sell me his IP5 at a pretty good price, given that it has a 64gb HD, and so on, and so forth. I had been ready to jump ship to the new sony, but this allows me to keep my apps (I still have a 3gs, and swore I would not get rid of it until it broke or got stolen. I hate waste like that, but...)

Who here is getting the new one, likes the last one, or yearns for the days when you kept 20c in your pocket, just in case you needed to make a call?

Warning! You are entitled to you opinion on what you choose to buy. Please, no fanboy comments or being mean to people who queue up for different stuff to you.

David, the 5 is a significant upgrade over the 3GS (I made the same switch last year). It handled iOS6 just fine, and it has not had a single issue with iOS7 since I upgraded a couple of days ago. If you can get the geek's 5 at a good price, I would do it. The only reason I see to get the 5s over the 5 is the new video features, and the camera with the larger sensor. If that stuff's important to you (and I know you're a serious photographer), then you won't get that with the 5.
I will probably pick up the 5c this weekend to replace my ancient yet beloved Blackberry Curve. However, those "bold" colors of the 5c are kinda putting me off...couldn't they just make a black or grey one for middle-aged men? Saving that for the 5cs i guess.
I went Apple picking this morning.....

I got the new 5C.

I swore I was just going in the shop "just to have a look...."

Next thing I know my credit card is out and I have a new, blue iPhone 5C.:ohmy:

I had the same viewpoint and phone as you (3GS), and was pretty satisfied. No real complaints. My wife has the 4S, and lately I was doing some side by side comparisons, and the screen really was much clearer, and the browsing was much faster...

The 5C is smokin' fast compaed to the 3GS. Get the 5 if you get a good deal on it. You've got your fair use out of the 3GS.
I will probably pick up the 5c this weekend to replace my ancient yet beloved Blackberry Curve. However, those "bold" colors of the 5c are kinda putting me off...couldn't they just make a black or grey one for middle-aged men? Saving that for the 5cs i guess.

Buy a case in whatever bland color you really want for the phone.

I purchased a frosted case for mine, and it really toned down the overall *zing* of the color. I like it!
I have the 5. Just the 5. Not one of the newwer 5s (plural: noting this because i am not sure if 5s is one of the new nomenclatures).

I switched to the 5 to share apps with my iPad. I bought the iPad because i wanted a tablet and the Blackberry Playbook did not have an intuitive OS when it released. By not intuitive I mean I wanted to break it in half to make it close apps when I couldn't figure out how.

Now that I have the iPad2 and iPhone5 updated to iOS7... iMiss (get it?) my Blackberry Torch more than ever.
I resisted buying a smart phone for years. Back in 2007, when my friend got up at the crack of dawn to stand in line in front of the famous (infamous?) Apple store at the base of Central Park to wait for the iPhone, I scoffed and heckled him for being materialistic. For years, I had a regular cell phone, one that could make phone calls, send texts and take an occasional blurry, pixelated picture. If I got an E-mail, I had to wait until I got home or to work to receive it. If I got a friend request, I had to wait until I got home to approve or reject it. When I went to dinner with my family and my Father, my brother and even my Mother would sit around the table checking their E-mail, or looking up esoteric subjects on Safari, I would look around the restaurant and observe other families doing the same thing. But finally, in April of this year, at my parents' insistence, I gave in and got an iPhone 5. And I love it.

I love it so much that sometimes I want to slap myself. I've become one of those people checking E-mail in a restaurant. Even worse, I've become one of those people that walks down the street like a derailed train, zig zagging and colliding into other hapless pedestrians, because I'm staring at my phone and not the world around me. Every time someone is unsure of a phrase, or "who is that actor?," or "what day did Vesuvius erupt?," I am quick to say, "I'll look it up!" All of this annoys me. Still, I love it.

I don't know whether or not it's better than other smart phones. I don't really care. I don't intend to get the 5s, because I don't have the money; but if I did? Yeah, I probably would.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
I picked up the 5s today. Coming from a 4s, it is amazing how much lighter this phone weights. Im restoring and should be playing around shortly.
I have a year left with my 4S then I'l pick up the 5S for cheap. No point flinging £200+ 2 year contract just for the new version.
I would have picked up the 4S for free with renewed contract, but they really put the squeeze on you by only offering that model with 8GB of memory.

Ah well...for $99 more I got abigger screen, faster processor, blah, blah, blah.

It is very nice!


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
So I'm staying in the cult. Pass the kool-aid.

Bought the second hand IP5. I think it should serve me well, and I'm glad I don't have to go onto another contract. The guy I bought it from has had ios7 on it for months, he is one of the beta testers for that stuff. I think it should be good.

Now the important stuff. I have my eye on a pretty sweet looking case...
I went to an Apple store to have a look and the 5S looks pretty sweet. The screen quality is crystal clear. Not that my 4S is bad at all but I could see a difference.
Wow. So I guess it doesn't concern any of guys about the fingerprint scan?
don't get me wrong I'm rockin with the 5 but I got 1 issue
im just starting to feel that they are needing a little much for a phone
im jus sayin what's next
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