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international shipping

I know this topic has come up before with mixed feelings, but does anyone know the bottom line on shipping fragrances overseas?

It seems like as long as it's flammable, the only way to do it honestly is to go through some hazardous material certification, and after that, the ability to ship seems prohibitively expensive. So far I've been forwarded to USPS, the DOT and ATF.

For the sake of argument, let's say I have to be completely honest about the alcohol (can't declare it a "gift" and hope for the best.) Any input is appreciated.
It does not address your question directly, but I recently sent a small amount of cologne to Canada. I declared it as cologne, rather than "cosmetic samples" as I have seen done by people shipping overseas to me. When I stepped up to the counter they read me the riot act, and after 2 other postal workers were consulted there was agreement that a 4 or 5 ounce package - box, packaging and contents - could be safely shipped. As I do not want to go through that again, nor do I have a good poker face, it is probably the last time I ship such items outside of the country.

Maybe you could contact one of B&B's respected vendors and get their take? I am sure they know the regulations, including if there is a way to do it without all of the steps you have detailed.
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