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international customers tip



Hey guys...

I am international customer and i find a very nice seller on ebay which all deals are free shipping... plus the prices are very good...

here it is....

order 2 products... tabac 100 g soap refill / kent shaving soap

really like the deal... since i always pay a lotta money for shipping

here is the link


best regards for yall

mistrys & connaught are cheap yet but their shipping is more. would have to run the #s to see which is better overall.


mistrys & connaught are cheap yet but their shipping is more. would have to run the #s to see which is better overall.

Actually anything i ask on this ebay seller shows FREE SHIPPING TO BRAZIL. LoL

ahhh lekelkeklkelkeklkeeke
yeah, it's an eclectic list of exclusions - africa, south america excepting brazil, most of asia and the middle east, europe except for british isles. curious...


I think there might be some places that has been some problems and the seller doesnot want to ship anymore...

but even with problems... it's no good to exclude brazil...we buy too much LoL
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