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Ink Review: J. Herbin Bleu Ocean

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The Inks colour reminds me of a disposable Bic blue ink, I was actually a little disappointed by its shade when I first got it, it runs on the purple side of a blue shade, and is well suited for work place, as well as a personal letter. I don't think you will turn heads with this ink but the bottle sure will.

As you can see, this is not a fast dry ink so if you are at work keep that in mind if your paper is going to be shuffled around, but it does write great, smooth no skipping and as i stated not overly wet, I would say a medium wet line

I do like it, I love the bottle it comes in. But I'm not sure I would ever buy the ink again at its premium price I think I would use the money to try something different

$2013-03-09 21.52.13.jpg
Thanks for the review James. My Stipula Model T ran dry with this last night. I like it also, but I agree that I don't think I will buy it again.
After the first 1670 red, I was expecting more from the ink. There's nothing wrong with it but nothing special either... lots of other blues out there I like more


B&B Tease-in-Residence
Thank you for the review. Like others have stated, the bottle is the only thing I like.
I really like this blue, I used to run it in a safari with a 1.1 nib and now I've run it in my lamy 2000 fine. It is probably on the bland side if you were looking for something as amazing as the other 1680 offering. I always felt it was a fairly wet blue, smooth, and went well with every pen I've tried it in. I think I would have been happier if the price was lower and it came in a standard J. Herbin bottle.
yeah at this price you are hovering in Iroshizuku prices, I would love this ink if it were a sub 10 everyday ink as it does write great. at its price though I know there is a whole catalog of Iroshizukus to pick from

in this case you are buying a fancy bottle with a great writing ink, in a good shade of blue. I can always use the bottle when its empty to spice up some quink later lol
thanks for the review. I was debating between this ink and the pelikan edelstein topaz. After reading, I think ill go with the pelikan topaz!~
Dragging this thread up from the catacombs...I'll have to support you more James...you've been carrying a heavy burden for awhile LOL. Been using this as my go-to ink for awhile...bought it because of the hype of the red and I'm glad you mentioned the disappointment. I'll continue to use it til the bottles gone but am looking for a better blue in the meantime!
Me to Rex... now its just the fancy bottle that most of my pens won't fit into to fill anyway lol
Great review as always. I am not a fan of this colour. Part of the reason why I like fountain pens is to get away from the "norm" with ink colours. I do love the look of the bottles and some of the other colours in this line are nice and eventually it would be nice to get my hands on one or two. Thanks for posting this.
I know what you mean about breaking from the norm. One reason I bought the clear barreled twisbi is to load it with ancient copper and watch the ink slosh around.
I know I posted earlier in the thread, but I'm back again. I loved this color and used it as my daily ink. Then my wife's cat knocked it off my desk and broke the bottle :/

I haven't replaced it and I don't plan on it. For the price vs color I've replaced it with Noodler's Ottoman Auzure a more dramatic blue. One thing I noticed about the J. Herbin is that to my eye it is a little more intense blue than Pelikan Royal Blue, that sealed it for me and I have two bottles of the Pel in my drawer and no Herbin.
Thanks for the review!

I am a fan of true blues, like Pelikan 4001. In dubio over this Herbin blue.

I agree that it sounds expensive for a basic blue.
James, thanks for a great review.

My experience with J Herbin inks that they run a bit dry and dry quickly. Nice to see such a saturated blue.
We all need a good resurrection, and so I'd like to bring this thread back to life. In April of 2015 the ink was reformulated with gold. I have been really impressed by the ink, whether using it in a firm, thin nib, such as Esterbrook 9550 or a medium nib like the 2668.
It's anything but dry. It does need to be "mixed" before loading or using as the gold specks will settle. I'm not a fountain pen ink veteran, but like it.
We all need a good resurrection, and so I'd like to bring this thread back to life. In April of 2015 the ink was reformulated with gold. I have been really impressed by the ink, whether using it in a firm, thin nib, such as Esterbrook 9550 or a medium nib like the 2668.
It's anything but dry. It does need to be "mixed" before loading or using as the gold specks will settle. I'm not a fountain pen ink veteran, but like it.

Is the gold dust readily visible or just too add some type of sheen?
Is the gold dust readily visible or just too add some type of sheen?
I can see it settle in the bottom of the jar. When I write, with at least a medium nib, I can see it too. Whether or not it’s my imagination, I believe it is visible even with my fine tip.
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