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Injector ?

Ok so to SWMBO great dismay I have started looking at the injector razors. I have not found any real info on them mostly cause I just want to ask the questions directly and get the info from the pros. One of the them being are there different blade styles? I have seen reference to type j1 and such or is that just the style of razor? Also is there a wiki page that I have not seen about these razors?
Indeed there is not that much here on injectors. Perhaps they want to keep secret that they shave so well ;). J1 is a model of Schick. I am eagerly awaiting one (gift from a client who owns a euro/bargain store). Now I am using a Schick model L1 (a later model) and that one shaves very well. The J1 should be at least as good, maybe even better.
Ok so to SWMBO great dismay I have started looking at the injector razors. I have not found any real info on them mostly cause I just want to ask the questions directly and get the info from the pros. One of the them being are there different blade styles? I have seen reference to type j1 and such or is that just the style of razor? Also is there a wiki page that I have not seen about these razors?

Badger and Blade wiki page here.

Another information page here.

All the razors on those pages use basically the same kind of blade, like these. There is a longer style of injector blade that has special uses, but doesn't go in "normal" injector razors without modification.

That should be enough to get you started.
This webpage has photos of the various Schick Injector models:


Type E, Type I, Type L refer to a given model, not a date code. So all Type L's for example are identical.

Schick Injectors range from fairly mild to quite aggressive. They are not highly sought after items (even on this board they are very underrated), as such very nice condition ones can be had at your local antiques store for just a few dollars.

All Injectors use the same blades.

In terms of blades, there are the Chinese made Schicks (buy them @ http://www.drugstore.com), and the various store brands which are made by Personna/ ASR. There are also a few medical suppliers that sell blades that will fit a Schick Injector (such as http://www.tedpella.com)

What would be a good middle of the road razor be? Right now I am using a Merkur 33c and a SS black tip and would want something maybe a hair more agressive
What would be a good middle of the road razor be? Right now I am using a Merkur 33c and a SS black tip and would want something maybe a hair more agressive
You could get a Schick adjustable and pick your own setting. Unfortunately, they seem to be a bit pricey these days.

I also get great shaves with the G1, I2, and J1. The G models seem to have a reputation for being aggressive, but I haven't had any problems with them.
Badger and Blade wiki page here.

Another information page here.

All the razors on those pages use basically the same kind of blade, like these. There is a longer style of injector blade that has special uses, but doesn't go in "normal" injector razors without modification.

That should be enough to get you started.

Good man! Thanks for linking to the wiki page. :thumbup1:

I get great shaves from my E type. Just bought my wife a very fine Lady Eversharp; she's dubious, but we'll see.
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