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Injector blades

I'm not finding injector blades anywhere in town. Anyone know of any store chain (big or small) that are carrying them? I found a place on the internet called Alice.com that has them for a 7-pack of Schicks for $5.19 and apparently if you order six items there's no shipping? Anyone have experience with them, or know of a better place to get them? I looked at Ted Pella and they have an injector with 20 blades for $4.60 that looks like a Schick injector but says nothing about shaving... says they're for "Vibratome® and other vibrating microtomes". Do they work for the old Schick injector razors and does anyone know about what they charge for shipping? Thanks
I ordered my Schick Injector blades from Amazon.com. I get the 4-pack.
You can get them in single packs, too. I don't bother with the non-Schick blades because I've heard of problems with them

There are other places, but I'm usually ordering something from Amazon from time to time anyway, so I just tack the blades on the order.

I can't get them locally, either. I tried...I really did...but no one had them. The money I spent on gas while trying to find a local source was far more that the shipping costs. :001_rolle
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Then there's this thread:


It appears they were discontinued because of problems with the cheapened dispenser.

I have most of a 15-pack left from the local Meijer store with their name on it. Haven't had blade loading problems so much as getting as good a shave from one as with my favorite DE blades.

I may try some of the Chinese Schicks one day, but they cost twice or more as much as the Personnas, and 3-4 times as much as some of my DE blades, which at this point are a known, better quantity.
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