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Ingrown hair help

I've been hearing about the "aspirin technique" that solves/cures the ingrown hair trapped underneath the skin and I want to give it a whirl here. So, my questions are:

1. What kind of aspirin do I need? The cheap kind? Store brand, name brand, super expensive brand...what kind!?

2.) Do I need the coated or uncoated kind of aspirin? All I've been able to find are COATED aspirins..both generic and name brand.

Also, what kind of Thayers witch hazel do I need? Alcohol free or with Alcohol? Astringent or Toner?

Thanks for the help guys! I hope some can clear the air here...
Ok, that's 1 down.lol How about the rest? Does it have to be cheap or the good quality kind? Coated or uncoated? (If there's such a thing even)
None of those are Aspirin.
Aspirin is Aspirin.

Actually, Bayer is a brand of aspirin, but the others are most definitely NOT aspirin.

Do they still make Bufferin? That was a brand of "buffered" aspirin that I remember being on the marked many moons ago. IF the OP is looking for a particular brand, there's always St Joseph or Anacin (still made?).

Regardless, the OP wants to check the active ingredient and see either "Aspirin" or "Acetylsalicylic acid" (most likely) or "ASA" listed. Anything other than those means that the product is not aspirin.

/gets down off of pedant platform. Didn't mean to get up there! :scared:
You want witch hazel with alcohol. The acid in the aspirin you are trying to use for this really needs alcohol to work.
You want witch hazel with alcohol.

This would be any generic/store-brand witch hazel that you can find at the grocery or pharmacy in the USA. "Real" (a subject up to some debate) witch hazel is made by a process that leaves the final liquid with 14% alcohol by volume.
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